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Greetings from Chernivtsi, Ukraine

Today is March 27th. This day started the second month since the war started and is going on,  and since Russia Ukraine and it has caused so much disaster and devastation here because we don't have enough words to describe all these terrible horrors that are happening in Ukraine.


But we thank the Lord for helping us, in these difficult times, for those of us who preach the Word from the pulpit, but also for all the other members of our churches so we can preach the Word through the works of faith in the Lord Jesus.

All these large cities such as Kharkov, Mariupol, Sumy, Kherson, Gostomel, Chernigov and other smaller cities near Russia have all been ruined: large buildings, churches, houses of worship, hospitals, cultural museums, schools, kindergartens.  All the people from there fled and came to us, in our area. There are still women and children who remained behind, they were unable to get out in time from the city of Mariupol, which is blocked by occupiers and does not allow people to leave the city and come to take shelter in our safer area.


Our family has embraced two families of refugees from the city of Nikolayev, after they suffered 10 days of bombing. They slept in the basements and it was very difficult for them. There was a small child there, in such a difficult situation.  We offered them the second floor apartment of our married daughter, where there are two rooms with a separate kitchen, bathroom with a tub, Our daughter Angelica with her family, meaning her husband and their 2 and a half year old daughter moved downstairs into a room in our apartment. There is a girl with them, Anna, who is not related to them. We offered her the room in the hallway of our apartment, and we comforted them daily. We feed them three times a day, we do Bible study together, we pray together. We all have the same reasons for prayer - to end this war as soon as possible and to have peace, peace.  We pray to the Lord to be well with us, so that we can take care of these grief stricken people who have lost their homes and have nowhere to go back.


A week ago my wife Larisa got sick. She had a cold and a fever, but she took care of these people as best she could. The Lord gave her grace and strengthened her. Then I was sick. thank God he took us both out of this disease (of course we both received antibiotic pills) so that we could continue to serve in the work of the Lord.


  Last week the missionaries, brothers from the PIEI Romania ministry came to us with supplies. Brother Timotei Stanea, brother Mike Dima, and other younger brothers and with humanitarian aid from Romania. We met them and had a beautiful fellowship with these brothers at the Emanuel church in Noua Sulita .  I thanked God for guarding and keeping our brothers safe in this difficult journey, and we unloaded these goods (food, oil, clothing, mattresses and other necessities) right inside the church building. From there we shared with all the missionaries, that each of the missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission to be able to distribute to the refugees who are with them in their churches and in their villages these foods and things, clothes, mattresses. All the Christians have a lot of work to do, each one at his own location, all it takes is to have the desire and the zeal to serve the Lord. May the Lord help us in to do so.


 At our church in Nesvoia, we strive to help the refugee believers who have come to take shelter, but also those who have not yet received the Lord. May the Lord help us now in this difficult time so that we can sow His Word in good times and in bad times for His Word to fall into the hearts of good ground to bear the fruits of repentance.   We are observing that the people of the world are more humble, their language is not as vulgar, not as filthy as before, they are starting to fear God.


Today, Sunday, I read from the book of Daniel the words of chapter 6: 20, and Daniel's answer in verse 22-Yes, God sent His angel and shut the mouths of the lions.


We know that you are praying for us, brothers and sisters, from all over the world, and we are all waiting for the positive answer from the Lord. Our question and yours is every morning: Ukraine, has your God who you are constantly serving, saved you from the lions' mouths?


We wake up every morning, alive and well, full of gratitude to our Creator, saying, "Yes, the Lord has saved us, and thus we are glorifying His name forever!" He is our victory, and we will glorify Him forever!


Thank you very much brothers for your help here. Thank you for your prayers. You are a great encouragement to us, our beloved!

Prayer Requests:

·        Keep praying for us so that the war will end as soon as possible.

·        May the Lord give us all health and strength here so that we can serve the refugees who came to us.

·        A way of escape for those remaining people, especially children and women, from Mariupol and other smaller cities who failed to evacuate people to a shelter or a safer area, because they have nothing to eat there, no light, no drinking water. The streets are blocked, unsafe, under constant bombardment.

·        God give us your peace on earth!


You are always in our hearts, our dear brothers and sisters. May the Lord bless you! We love you and we pray for you.


With love Pavel and Larisa Petihacinii

PIEI Ukraine