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Christ is Risen!

Dear brothers and sisters from the USA, we greet you with the Peace and Grace of Jesus Christ! We also congratulate you on the joyful and bright holiday of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ: Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen indeed!

1. This month, April, we thought that peace would finally come in our country and we, the Church of God, would be able to praise the Lord and preach the Word of God without these difficult circumstances, especially on the feast of the Resurrection of Christ. But as you can see, the war in Ukraine continues and we, the church of Christ, can do nothing but get on our knees and pray fervently. Each of us prays a prayer of repentance and waits in humility for an answer from the Lord. (2 Chronicles 7:14) - And my people who called by my name, and they will pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways: then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sins, and I will heal their land. - And then the Lord will heal our country.

2. During these two weeks I visited 3 churches where small evangelizations were held and in all these churches they asked for mercy and deliverance from our Lord. The most important prayers were the prayers of repentance of the church so that our sins would not be an obstacle for the Lord to answer our prayers.

3. Fasting and prayer.

-All the churches of the Chernivtsi region during these 3 weeks made joint fasts and prayers so that the Lord would hear us and stop this war. Our church also participated in this.

-As before, every day we kneel at 21:00 for prayer, together with all our churches, so that the Lord will help restore peace in Ukraine.


-We constantly help all refugees who come to us with everything they need. My wife, Larisa, has been feeding and helping our refugees who live in our house for 2 months now. Thank God that He gives her strength and health so that she does not tired of doing good deeds. Also in our church from Nesvoi, church members help refugees who come to us. Three of these refugees constantly come to our meetings, so we must preach in both Russian and Ukrainian. We try to prepare songs for them to and they understood and glorified the Lord through singing. There, one woman has not yet repented. Her name is Olya. We pray for her so that the Lord touches her heart.

5. Bible lessons:

-In the church of the village of Nesvoi, Bible lessons are held with local children and visiting children. Currently, they are studying the Gospel of John. Our children have made friends with the children of visiting people and do Bible lessons with them and also pray to God that the war will stop soon. Thank God for these children.

6. Thanksgiving:

-We are grateful to God for the fact that there is still an opportunity to glorify the Lord in this difficult time.

-Thank God for you who support us with everything we need.

-We thank God for our missionaries, for the fact that the Lord gives them strength and health and they do not get tired of helping refugees.

-We thank God for the fact that He supports our region of Bukovina and we are still alive and well-Glory to God!

7. Prayer requests:

- Pray with us that this war will stop.

- So that so many children, women and the elderly do not die. Also for those soldiers who defend Ukraine, so that the Lord protects them.

- In order not to attack our Chernivtsi region, then there will be a big trouble, because more than a hundred thousand refugees already live in our region.

- May the Lord bless our missionaries with health and the power of the Holy Spirit for the gospel of the Word of God in this difficult time for us.

-Pray for the two women Olya and Lydia who attend our meetings, so that the Lord touches their hearts and they repent.

-April 24, if God pleases, we will celebrate the feast of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. So that the Lord gives us a peaceful time so that we can peacefully celebrate this significant and bright feast of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ-Christ's Victory over death! And it is even better that the war ends by this time.

And we always pray, brothers and sisters, for you. For the Lord to bless you abundantly and give you a hundredfold blessing for everything you do for us.

My family sends their sincere and heartfelt greetings to you in the Name of Jesus Christ.

With love to you, the Petikhachny family, Pavel and Larisa.