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Circumstances in our churches


May the peace of God and the love of Jesus Christ fill your and our hearts in this difficult time, for all the people of our planet Earth! I am thankful to God that He helps us and comforts us all with His Holy Word at this time when CONVID 19 spread almost everywhere on earth.

1. Circumstances in our churches:

- We, in the Chernivtsi region, as well as throughout Ukraine, have been quarantined because of the Coronovirus epidemic. They closed all the stores except grocery, public transport and city, and intercity stopped. Only pharmacies, hospitals and grocery stores work. Everyone leaves home only when necessary: ​​to buy food and medicine. We carry out prayer services only online and of course in our home family churches. Communication with brothers and sisters of faith only by phone, vibe, skype. So we pray for each other. It is not known when all this will stop, but we hope in the Lord. He is omnipotent to stop this virus. In our villages of the Novoselitsky district, the broadcast “Little Samaritan” is well accessible, where our older brothers and sisters have the opportunity to listen to sermons, and chants around the clock. Who has the Internet then listen to online sermons. Thank God for everything! Young parents deal with their children at home, in the family. Schools are all closed. Now everyone is praying like never before. We pray that people will repent, because only in Jesus Christ is the salvation of our souls!

2. Pastoral conference:

- Thank God that the Pastoral Conference (churches from the Novoseletsky and Hertsaevsky districts) that I organized on March 14th was blessed. Although I was absent from it because of my rehabilitation after the operation, in my heart I was there with my brothers and prayed for this conference. There, all the pastors prayed for this situation that happened throughout the world and in Ukraine. For the Lord to stop this virus and protect His people from this disease.


- Thank God that He protects us in this difficult time.

-Thanks God for His Holy Word and Psalm 90 which encourages us to His children.

- Thank God that you are with us in your prayers. And we pray with you for you and for all people on earth that the Lord will protect all people from this terrible virus.

4. Prayer needs:

-Pray for the Lord to stop this virus.

-That the people of Ukraine through these circumstances will repent and receive Jesus Christ in their hearts.

-To make us believers prepare for the coming of Christ, because we do not know when God will take us from this earth.

-Pray for me too. I have to go see a doctor next week. I really want the doctor to tell me that I can already drive a car. But at all the will of God. Praise God for all that He gives us!

- Pray for our children who are working abroad. Andrei son (in Italy), Volodya senior son-in-law (in England) and Natasha daughter (in Germany). And also our son Sasha and his family are in Canada. Let the Lord protect them from any epidemic and from all evil!

We send greetings from my family to all our brothers and sisters. May the Lord bless you richly! Love you and pray for you! With respect to you, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny.