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Pastoral district conference


Peace be upon you, brothers and sisters from the United States.

God's blessings are success in the gospel.

This month, despite the fact that I am still undergoing a rehabilitation course after the operation, I organized over the phone:

1. Pastoral district conference to be held on March 14 in the church of the village of Nesvoia. I called and wrote on a Viber, inviting all the ministers of the churches from the Novoseletsky district and the Hertsaevsky district to this conference where I invited another teacher of the theological institute who will teach a lecture: "How to study the Bible." Also invited one brother of the minister from the office ECB of Chernivtsi region to teach a lesson on evangelism.

2. This week, in the churches of the villages of Nesvoi and Balkovtsi, mini evangelism, crusades with one brother from Romania, was held in the homes of unbelievers. Christian psalms were sung, the Word of God was preached and also answered people's questions. Many of the unbelievers have heard the Word of God, pray for them to receive Jesus Christ in their hearts.


3. Thanksgiving:

- I really thank God that after the operation I felt better. True, you need to take this long rehabilitation course for me. So the doctors said that I can’t sit behind the wheel of the car for another 5 weeks. 2 weeks have already passed, I will still endure 3 weeks. Thank God for that too. God help me, give me health and continue to work on His Field!

-Thanks the Lord and for Larisa, my wife. February 28 was her birthday and we, together with our family (though not all the children arrived, since they are far from us at work), thanked the Lord that God gave her health and we have her. We prayed together that the Lord would bless Larisa with further health, that we all serve in the work of God together.

- I thank you for the material help and your prayers, which help me, to be successful in the gospel.

- I thank God for the success in conducting the crusade in the churches of Nesvoi and Balkovtsy.

4. Prayer needs:

-Pray for the Word to be preached this week, on a crusade, to bring much fruit of repentance.

- About the children's ministry in the church of the village of Nesvoi.

-Pray further for me that the Lord will strengthen my health.

- About our trip to Romania to meet with missionaries of the PIEI Romania mission, March 26-28. That the Lord will keep us on the road and that the meeting be blessed.

Love you and pray for you. May the Lord bless you richly! Sincerely, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny.