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God's help in a difficult time


May the peace of God and the love of Jesus Christ fill our hearts, dear brothers and sisters in Christ!

I am grateful to God that through His Word he consoles us and requires us to stop and put things in order in our lives and prepare to meet with Him. Everything that is happening now, events, this pandemic, everything says that the Lord is close and the Church of Christ should prepare to meet his Bridegroom. The words of Revelation are heard — And the Spirit and the bride say: come! And let the hearer say come! Let the thirsty one come, and let him that desire take the water of life for nothing! Rev. 22:17.  

1. Division into groups:

All churches in our region, in connection with the COVID 19 pandemic, are divided into small groups and listen to the sermons of their pastors, ministers of the church, online. Prayers all have fasting days and prayers with the church. Also, all church members communicate with each other by phone, vibe, facebook.

2. Visits to sick and old people:

Our youth and young families help the elderly and the sick. Through the phone they find out what they need and go to help. They buy food, medicine and all that they need and bring it to their doorstep at home. People then go out and take it all to the house. Such are the orders in our country so that during quarantine people with an advanced age of 60 years and above, so that they sit at home and do not go outside. Our daughter Angelica and her husband Michael are very helpful. They live near us and buy the necessary quarantine at this time.


On March 25th, all Protestant believers from Ukraine, all our churches, united in fasting and prayer, so that the Lord would stop the CONVID 19 pandemic, and so that the children of God could continue to gather and conduct service in prayer houses, organize Christian youth and children's camps, and to carry out further mercy actions for widows and orphans. But at all the will of the Lord. If the Lord blesses us and stops this pandemic, and gives us all health, then we should work with even more jealousy on His Niva, because the time of Christ's coming is very close and we must manage to bring even more people to Christ. May God help us in this matter!


-We are very grateful to God for protecting the lives of all our missionaries and their families.

-For the Word of God that in this difficult time consoles and encourages the children of God.

5. Prayer needs:

-We will pray that the Lord will stop this pandemic of COVID 19.

-for the healing of those brothers and sisters who fell ill with this virus.

- So that our son Andrei could return home, to his family, from Italy, where he worked, and so that he would not become infected with this virus. And Natasha, our daughter also works in Germany, so that the Lord will protect her from the disease. Our brother-in-law, Vladimir, works in England, so that his Lord will protect him from any disease. As well as us all the children of God who live in Ukraine, so that the Lord will protect us from any disease, so that the children of God can work with jealousy on the Divine Field.

-We have good news. Our Andrei, with God's help, arrived on Friday evening. Thank God that I found the car and arrived on time. He is now on an observation for 2 weeks. We speak only by phone. We can only talk with our family by phone.

-To God bless all the online broadcasts that the pastor’s brothers broadcast, so that the Church of Christ at this time does not cool, but burns with the fire of first love. We all pray and brothers and sisters for you. We know that you also have a hard time at this difficult time. But we also know, and we believe that the Lord will not leave us and you, God's children. May the Lord bless you, our dear brothers and sisters, and help us all stand in faith and be ready to meet with our Savior Jesus Christ!

I can do everything in Jesus Christ strengthening me. Philipians 4:13.

With love, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny.