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A large conference for orphans


I am grateful to God that He opens up new opportunities for us to glorify Him.

1. A large conference for orphans.


On January 11, as I wrote to you before, we organized a conference for orphans. This was a wonderful Christmas holiday for them, with 200 children present. In the morning, my family cooked breakfast sandwiches for them for tea. Then all the children gathered in a church, which is located on the street. Kovelskaya 25, and the leader prepared a Christmas program for them. There were sketches on the theme of the Christmas holiday, they also sang carols together and glorified the Lord. Brother Gregory Chioresko had the Word for these children and prayed together that the Lord would bless all children of orphans - for the Lord is the Father of all widows and orphans. Then, according to the program, the children were divided into groups and, each group, had games and communication with leaders. They were very interested. And at lunch, we fed these children with a delicious lunch: meat rice, vegetables, salad, pies and a delicious compote. Each one was prepared with a bag of sweets and fruits: apples and tangerines. And each one received a gift for a hat, those that we received from the Pomona church from Michigan, where the brother of Brian Mikul, is a pastor. The children were very satisfied and thanked the Lord and all of us who had infiltrated this work, Thank God for everything! After such blessings and the Word of God that was heard by him, many children said that they want Jesus the Messiah to be born in their hearts. Thank you for praying for us, the Lord blessed our team and together we were able to fulfill the work of God.


2. Weekly services in the church:

For seven consecutive days we held prayer services in the church of the village of Nesvoia. Every evening we especially prayed:

- about the world in Ukraine, about the awakening of Ukraine to God, about the ministry of the PIEI mission in Ukraine, about young families, children and youth.

3. Meeting of missionaries of the mission PIEI UKRAINE.


We had a meeting with missionaries of the PIEI UKRAINE mission, where all our missionaries had excellent fellowship and prayer for the work of God, which we, with God's help, are trying to do. All our missionaries are grateful to you all for the gifts that you received from us and which came just on Christmas Day. Very good gifts, just what we need here. May God bless you and give you a hundred times. To this meeting, we thanked God for the past 2019, for the abundant blessings that the Lord sent down on us and our ministry. We also made many projects to serve in the field of the Lord in our mission and prayed that the Lord would bless us all in the service of the Lord. Brothers and sisters from the USA, who are our employees in the field of God in Ukraine, also prayed for you. May God bless you with health, success in work, peace and joy in Christ.


4. Christmas holiday in our church.

We celebrated the Birth of Jesus Christ on January 7. Young people and children had an excellent program. Children received gifts. There were children from unbelieving families who also received such gifts. On January 6 and 7, young people went with carols to the houses of our village, and on January 6 they did carols in the village of Podvirnoe. We pray for all the people who listened to the message of salvation in Jesus Christ on these holidays and evenings


Thank you for your support. With this support we work intensively with orphans and even visit unbelievers who also need social help, we can help people who live in the front-line zone of the ATO.

6. Prayer needs:

-Pray that God will give us health and that this 2020 we will be able to work intensively, proclaim the Word of God among orphans and among unbelievers.

-Conduct Christian children's and youth camps.

- Visit people in need in the ATO zone.

Thanks again for all that you do for us. Receive heartfelt greetings from my family. We love you and pray for you.

With love, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny.