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Sister Chernivtsi Regional Committee


Welcome, through the love of Jesus Christ, dear brothers and sisters from the USA!

I am grateful to God for helping me to complete His work this month with love and in the power of the Holy Spirit.

  1. Bread refraction:

After January 11, when we did the Christmas for Orphans campaign, where our team prepared and fed more than 200 orphans to breakfast and delicious lunch.

My wife Larisa and I went, on January 12, to the village of Zhilovka, where they carried out bread-breaking in this church. There the church is very small and they were waiting for us very much so that we would come so that they too could remember the sufferings of Christ through the breaking of bread. They prayed earnestly and very much asked the Lord for a minister in their church! There is a lot of spiritual work to do, because there are Jehovah's Witnesses in the village. There are a lot of them in this village. Imagine that the house where the witnesses are gathering is located across the road from the house of the prayers of our Christian Baptist brothers and sisters. I am constantly preparing to answer questions from our brothers on the subject of the Triune God, the 144,000 and thousand-year-old kingdom. Spiritual lessons are needed with this church. We pray that the Lord will have mercy and encourage young ministers to serve in this church.

2. Sister Chernivtsi Regional Committee:

On January 25, a sisterly regional committee was held, where 20 sisters in charge of district nursing services met to report work among the sisters for the whole of 2019 and to plan the services for 2020. Larisa is my wife, responsible for the Novoseletsky district, among the sisters. All sisters, from different areas of the Chernivtsi region, submitted reports for 2019 for the work done among the sisters: mercy among orphans and those in need, conducting prayers and studying the Word of God, camps for widows. All the sisters thanked the Lord for His help and support in the sisterly ministry. They planned to create even more groups for prayer and study the Word of God, to organize 2 sisterly conferences a year, in each district of the Chernivtsi region. We prayed for this plan so that the Lord would bless the sisterly ministry in 2020. We believe that the Lord will bless His Holy work-Glory to Him!


- Thank you for your financial help and for your prayers. We felt these prayers in the Christmas campaign for orphans and this meeting was very blessed. The children were very pleased and glorified the Lord, Glory be to God!

- Thank God for our young families who were caroling at holidays in villages where there are no our churches. May the Lord bless the Holy Seed, the Holy Word, which was sown on holidays in the hearts of people.

4. Prayer needs:

- Pray for children's ministry in the churches of the PIEI Ukraine mission, so that all children’s groups will be introduced in Bible study and in the glorification of Christ.

- Pray for our PIE Ukraine mission camp, which will be held July 27 to August 1 this summer.

- Pray for the church in the village of Zhilovka so that the Lord sends ministers to conduct spiritual work in this church and in this village.

- Pray for my operation, which is planned after February 3. I got sick, my vertebral hernia and cyst were revealed. He underwent various procedures, they thought that it would pass without surgery, but the tomography showed that surgical intervention was necessary. Pray that everything goes well and the Lord blesses the hands of surgeons. We believe that the Lord will be with us, glory to Him for everything!

Greetings from my family. We love you and pray for you. With love, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny.