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An evangelistic Christmas meeting


I thank God for giving me physical and spiritual powers, and I could complete His work in the power of the Holy Spirit. I, along with my family, congratulate you on the holidays: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2020.

1. Evangelism:

On December 25th he held an evangelistic Christmas meeting in the church of the town of Hertz, where he preached the Word on the theme of the Nativity of Christ. After the sermon, there were many prayers of thanksgiving and glorification of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the whole world. After the service, he held a membership meeting to discuss and pray for the future pastor of this church. This shepherd is leaving, but will still stay 3-4 months with them so that during this time they will appoint another shepherd in this church. All church members agreed to this condition. We pray with this church that the Lord will encourage young workers to work in this church and that this church grows in faith and in quantity.


2. The blessing of children:

We visited the church of the village of Dinivtsi where pastor brother Pascar Alex and I blessed my eighth grandson, and the first-born Slavik and Tanya. They called him Caleb. The theme of my sermon in this ministry was "Moses is a servant of the Living God." There was a very eventful program for children and youth, and a prayer of thanksgiving was offered to God because He saved the life of mother Tanya, and baby Caleb. Everyone prayed with tears in their eyes because everyone knew how the Lord miraculously saved the lives of Brother Alex's children in the car accident that happened in October.

3. Congratulations to the families of missionaries of the mission and PIEI Ukraine:

The other day we received humanitarian aid packages from brothers and sisters from America — our partners in evangelism are here in Ukraine, for whom we are very grateful to all of you, dear ours, that you support us so much in this difficult time for us and thank God all the time for you. May God bless you all and reward you a hundredfold! We divided these packages into 12 parts so that all our missionaries would receive and rejoice, and thank God for you. Now we will visit our missionaries and congratulate them on your behalf with the Holy Holidays and will hand them these packages. Most of us celebrate Christmas on January 7th. So pro-Orthodox believers celebrate, and our brothers (Protestants) celebrate both December 25 and January 7. And on January 7 we celebrate for the sake of all the people who live in our area, in order to proclaim to them the Word of God by organizing evangelization everywhere. We have the opportunity to sow the Word of God for these holidays.

4. Thanks:

Thank you for your financial help that helps us a lot in our work here in Ukraine. We also thank you for your prayers that so support us in our ministry. -Thanks to God and to you that we could help and serve the orphans of the boarding school in Sadgor on December 5th. These children were very happy for the gifts, but also because of the encouragement that they received through the Holy Word.

5. Prayer needs:

  • Pray for us so that we can make a holiday on January 11 for 200 orphans, and for families who took orphans to adopt about 7 to 10 orphans from orphanages. We will feed these children 3 times a day, we will organize a Christmas program and give presents. We also have caps for them from the POMONA c Michigan church, where the pastor is brother Brian Mikul, thanks to this church and thanks to all those who helped in various purchases (sweets, medicines) for the parcels that were sent to us in Ukraine. Pray that the Lord blesses this meeting, and these children so that they understand why Jesus Christ came and was born on this earth. Because the Lord loves all people and wants to save everyone from hell.

  • Pray for peace in Ukraine. Pray for the sowed Seed, the Word of God in the hearts of people, that It will bear the fruit of repentance.

  • Pray for my family that God blesses us and gives us health, so that we can still work on the field of God. Once again, I thank you for everything you do for our ministry here in Ukraine.

    May the Lord bless abundantly you, your families, your churches and your country! Please accept my heartfelt regards from our family. We pray for you and love you.

    With respect to you, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny.