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Evangelism among orphans


Dear brothers and sisters from the USA, before starting my report, I want to congratulate all of you on the occasion of the Nativity of Christ! May the Lord bless you all abundantly and send you His Peace, Joy and Grace in your homes and in your families.

Here we are on the threshold of the New Year 2020, and by the grace of the Lord we are completing 2019. We always thank the Lord for you, those who cooperate with us in the field of God in Ukraine, Thank God!

1. Evangelism among orphans:


On December 5, we, together with our family, made an evangelization in a boarding school for orphans in Sadgor (a suburb in Chernivtsi). There were 105 children, orphans, and we prepared for each child packages with food and sweets, as well as stationery (notebooks, pens, for small drawing books). I preached to them on the subject of Christmas, told them that we love them, and most importantly, that the Lord is their heavenly father and will never leave them. They prayed together, praised God through psalms. Angela, our daughter, and Sasha, our eldest grandson, and of course my wife Larisa, helped me a lot in this. The children were very satisfied and thanked us, as well as the staff who work there with them were satisfied. We are always at the end of this ministry, we say: Praise God for He is the Father of orphans and widows! We always pray for these children. May the Lord bless them!

2. Baptism:

-One sister, her name is Daria, from Zhilovka, was baptized in Chernivtsi on December 1. And on December 8, we held a solemn meeting in the church of the village of Zhilovka. There, the whole church, together with my family, congratulated Sister Daria on this significant day in her life. They prayed together and praised God. And also spent there bread refraction. There, a woman comes, about 50 years old, but still lingers with repentance. We see that she really likes to come to worship, but her husband does not come and she does not dare to repent. We pray for this woman (her name is Valentina), and we also pray for her husband. We believe that the Lord will awaken and this village to repentance.



- I thank you for your financial help, as well as for your prayers, which so encourage me and which help us expand the work of God.

-I thank you that in this difficult time for Ukraine, you are standing nearby and praying with us that we, missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission, have success in the preaching of Christ in our area.

4.Prayer requests:

-Pray for young families to establish themselves in the Word.

-for youth to be more active, for the expansion of the gospel.

- For the reason that young ministers were found and decided to come to teach the church in Zhilovka, the Word of God (there is almost 55 km from Chernivtsi). For awakening to the repentance of this village.

- For peace in Ukraine.

-January 11, 2020, we plan to do evangelism for 200 orphans in Chernivtsi, on Kovelskaya Street 25. We will also give gifts and together we will praise the Lord. Pray that the Lord will help us in this matter, give health and peace in our country, and His name will be glorified among us and among these children.

Congratulations again, Merry Christmas !!! Love you and pray for you! With love to you, brother Paul and sister Larisa Petihachny!