Wedding of my son Daniel

We greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, dear brothers and sisters from the USA.

I am very grateful to God for His protection this month and for the fact that I had the opportunity to preach the Word of God to my church, as well as the church in the village of Dolzhok.

1.Thank God for the US team

-I thank God for protecting the brothers and sisters from the team from the USA, led by brother Cornel Stef, who came for the whole week to serve in our camp in Boyany, as well as in 4 churches of our Novoseletsky district for evangelization with glasses. On Monday, July 22, they were with us in Dinivtsi. And almost 100 people came to the church to choose glasses for themselves. Medic Debby Conry checked each visitor and selected glasses for them. As well as the Philbrook family, Christen and Stanley, served as spiritual guardians for those people. And Brother Cornel Stef also served these people. There were among these people who prayed the prayer of repentance. Brother Stanley wrote them all in his notebook so that they could continue to pray for these people. At lunchtime and in the evening we fed the brothers and sisters from the United States because they worked very hard and were tired, and then they left for the whole night in the camp in Boyany. There they spent the night, so that on the second day they would again leave for another village and another church to serve people. We are very grateful to the entire US team for their work and donations.

2.Service in the camp.

- Our youth served in the camp, in Boyany, in the worship group and also as leaders. I am glad that my 2 children (Lily and Joseph) participated in the glorification. I’m also glad that 3 teenagers in the camp repented. We pray for them.

3.Marriages of Daniel and Anna:

-Last week, our son Daniel had a wedding with his bride Anna, and we were traveling to Romania and celebrated this wedding in one of the Radauti restaurants, Suceava County. Daniel's bride is also from Ukraine, but they work in Paris, France. It turned out that they could not come to Ukraine because of the war, but we still rejoiced with them.


-We thank God and you for praying for us and for our ministry here in Ukraine. Thank God that He heard your and our prayers and blessed our ministry and the ministry of the team of brothers and sisters from the USA,

-Thank you for sponsoring our camp in Boyany. May the Lord return your blessings a hundredfold.

5.Prayer needs:

-Continue to pray for us, for Ukraine, so that our war will end.

-Pray for our family, because on August 24 there will be another wedding, our other son Joseph. His bride Natasha, she is from Transcarpathia, and the wedding will be here in Chernivtsi.

-Pray for those who repented both in the camp and at evangelizations with glasses.

And we pray for you and wish you abundant blessings from the Lord.

With love, your brother in Christ, Pascari Alex.