Serving with rehabilitates

We greet you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ! I am very grateful to God for another month under the protection and protection of God during this difficult time of war in our Ukraine.

Thank God for helping me this month to preach the Word of the Gospel among the people who live among us.

1. Breaking of bread

-On the first Sunday of the month, we remembered the death and suffering of Jesus Christ through the breaking of bread both in our church in Dinivtsi and in the church from the village of Dolzhok. He also visited the sick with communion at home, where they were very happy that they could, together with the church, remember the suffering and death of Christ through Holy Communion.

2. Serving with rehabilitates

-Also 4 times I drove 5 rehabilitates from the rehab center from Malinovka to the church in the village. I owe you a debt. Two of them repented, thank God. There is no pastor in the church yet. Duty, I go to this church every Sunday for service. Sometimes I take a worship group with me to participate in services in this small church. We pray for the people from this village so that the Lord will test their hearts to repentance.


-Thank you from the bottom of my heart to the brothers and sisters from the USA, our partners in evangelism here in Ukraine, for supporting us in your prayers and your social help. Thanks to this, we will also be able to help people in need who live among us.

-I thank the Lord for the peaceful sky in our region, although in other regions of the country people are dying under the rubble of destroyed houses due to the arrival of enemy missiles. Only God can deliver us from this difficult war.

4.Prayer needs:

-Pray with us that the Lord will help us stop this war in Ukraine.

-Pray that the people to whom we preach the Word of God will accept this Holy Word in their hearts.

-Pray that there will be no further missile attacks in our region. We must organize Christian camps for children in the summer and we are worried that we will have a peaceful sky.

-Pray for our youth who will go and serve in a Christian camp in the summer in Boyany. So that the Lord will preserve and protect everyone from all evil in this difficult time of war.

And we pray for you, brothers and sisters, and bless you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We love and pray for you.

With love, your brother in Christ Pascar Alex.