Meeting of missionaries of PIEI Ukraine mission

We greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, dear brothers and sisters from the USA - our evangelization partners here in Ukraine!

I am grateful to the Lord for His mercy and protection in our troubled time.

During this month, the Lord helped me to serve and evangelize the Word of the Gospel.

1. After the Easter holiday, during which we held evangelizations both in our church in Dinivtsi and in the church in the village of Dolzhok. And also, I went to Malinovka to hold a service.

I thank God that He helped me to take 6 rehabilitated people from Malinovka to the church in Dolzhok. Thank God that two men from these rehabilitators repented: Anatoly Pavlenko and Igor Popovych. They are from the Ivano-Frankivsk region. We pray for them that the Lord strengthens their faith and they continue to serve only God.

I continue to lead this service in the church of the village of Dolzhok, and I also take these people from the Rehabilitation Center every Sunday to the service in the church from Dolzhok, and I take these people back to the Rehabilitation Center. They rejoice that they have such an opportunity to listen to the Word of God and pray to God every Sunday. And I praise God for the fact that He helps and strengthens me for a good deed for the Lord.

- At our evangelizations, the Choir of the Khotyn district and the Zion group served as singing and praise. They wonderfully glorified the Lord. We pray for those unbelieving people who attended our evangelizations and heard the Word and have not yet repented. May the Lord stir up all people to repentance, because the time is near, and tomorrow is only in God's hands.

2. Also, together with our church, we help people who are in need. There is one man from the village, he is a former school teacher, but he is left alone and cannot walk now. We also help him with money, products and things. He is very grateful to us. We pray for him that the Lord will test his heart and that he will repent. I know that former teachers, especially if they were atheists, come to God with difficulty. But we pray for him. My name is Ivan.

- We help poor and needy people with food. And we also evangelize in their homes so that they too hear that Jesus Christ is a loving Lord and is waiting for all people to repent and come to Him.

3. Meeting of missionaries of PIEI Ukraine mission

- This month we had a meeting with our missionary brothers in Novoselytsa, in the Emmanuel Church. We thanked God very much for this meeting, prayed together and studied the Word of God. Whenever we meet with our brothers, we encourage each other and pray for each other. I am very glad that the Lord gives strength and zeal to our servants to serve the Lord in this difficult time of war, Glory be to God! We also prayed for our sponsors from the USA. May the Lord give them all health and healing in their illnesses.

4. Thanks:

- I am very grateful to God for the fact that He protects our land from rocket attacks. And we can calmly serve God here.

- Thank God for you, brothers and sisters from the USA, for your support and help, for your prayers.

5. Prayer needs.

- Pray, together with us, for peace in Ukraine and Israel.

-For those who heard the Word of God in this month to repent.

- So that enemy rockets and bombs don't fly towards us any further. May the Lord protect us from this evil.

- May the Lord protect my family from all evil.

- May God give me health and zeal to serve the Lord.

We continue to pray for all of you, we pray for the Dornbos family, especially for sister Sherynne. We believe that the Lord will heal our sister Sheryna and strengthen our brother Bill and everything will be fine with them. We are very grateful for all our brothers and sisters from the USA. We wish you abundant blessings from the Lord.

With love, your brother in Christ Paskar Alex.