Сhildren's week-long camp

Greetings to you brothers and sisters from the USA - our partners in evangelism here in Ukraine!

1. I am grateful to God for giving me health and protecting me from all evil so that I can serve here in our church from Dinivtsi and also help in the church from the neighboring village in Dolzhok.

- In these churches I held bread-breaking services at the beginning of the month.

- I also drove 7 rehabilitants who live in the Center for rehabilitants in Malinovka to services in Dolzhok in my car. We are glad that 2 of them have already repented. They are given lessons and prepared for baptism, glory to God. We pray for them.

2. The wedding of my son Joseph.

- On August 24th there was the wedding of our son Joseph with his bride Natasha. The wedding was in Chernivtsi, the weather was wonderful, we blessed the bride and groom and entrusted them in the hands of the Lord. This was the second wedding this year in our family. It was a little difficult for us parents, but thank God for His mercy and support. The most important thing is that the young people are happy, healthy, faithful to our God, and for us parents this is only a joy.

3. Day children's camp.

- In the second ten days of August, our church organized a day children's week-long camp. Every day 60-70 children came. Before lunch, the children had Bible lessons for children, games and various competitions. And at lunch they were fed and then sent home.

We organized the same thing in the village of Dolzhok, a two-day camp where 50 children came. We pray for these children who were in our camps, so that the Lord tests the hearts of these children, so that they understand that the Lord loves them and so that they attend our Sunday schools at our churches.

4. Funerals

- With our church choir, we were invited to 2 funerals: in Shcherbintsy and in Kotilevo. There I preached the Word, where there were many listeners from among the unbelievers and they listened attentively to the Word of God and the singing of the choir. We pray for these people too.

5. Thanksgiving

- I am grateful to God for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA - our partners in evangelism here in Ukraine. For your material support and for your prayers that help us so much in this difficult time here in Ukraine.

- I thank God for His protection and safety this month. For the fact that there were no missile strikes in our region. Glory to God for His mercy to us.

6. Prayer requests:

- Pray with us that if God's will be done, peace would come to Ukraine.

- Pray for those people who listened to the Word of God this month, at evangelism, at funerals and for the children who were in our camp at the church. So that the children would come to our Bible classes at the church.

- Pray for peace to continue and for there to be no missile strikes. For there to be no missile strikes all over Ukraine. Pray for all the leaders of our country, that the Lord may give them wisdom to lead.

We also pray for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA. We wish you abundant blessings from our Lord God. And we also wish that the Lord will return to you a hundredfold in blessings for your sacrifice for Ukraine.

Please accept heartfelt Christian greetings from my family. With love, your brother in Christ, Alexa Paskar.