Grandfather one more time


I greet you dear brothers and sisters with the love of Jesus Christ! I thank God for helping me this month to work in His Field to proclaim His Holy Word.

1.Bread breaking:

-As I wrote in my last report, on August 9, we celebrated the breaking of bread. This was after baptism, which was on the first Sunday in Chernivtsi. Thank God, all members of the church were waiting for this day of communion to remember the death and suffering of Jesus Christ. they were very happy that they had the opportunity to be present, together with the church, to Holy Communion, thank God!

2. Camp for teenagers.

-We have already held a day camp for a teenager in our village for two weeks. About 40 teenagers gather and the leaders work with them. True, we do this camp not every day, but 2 times a week. We have a good cherry orchard in the village and other trees. There is clean air in nature and we were allowed for the youth to meet here for the day camp. Thank you for the sweets (various sweets) that we received from you through brother Pavel Petihachny. Our leader is preparing prizes for the youth. Thank God that even so , but this is a great help, because now they are not really allowed to make camps due to the COVID 19 pandemic. Thus, young people can meet until the end of this month - until September 1. We pray that the Lord will touch young hearts so that many will know Jesus Christ and accept Him in hearts.


-Thank God for you, dear brothers and sisters, for always praying for me and helping me to work here in God's Field.

-Thank God that another grandson was born in our family. Alina's daughter and son-in-law Abraham had a second son and they named him Eliazar. May the Lord bless little babi, his brother Alex and parents!

- Thank God that He preserves our life and gives us more health.

4.Prayer Needs:

-Pray for us, brothers and sisters, that the Lord will protect us from this pandemic virus.

-Pray that the Lord will stop the war against Ukraine and stop this pandemic all over the world.

-Pray for us so that love and zeal for the cause of God grows so that we are all ready to meet our Savior Jesus Christ.

And we pray for you and always in our prayers thank God for you. May the Lord bless you abundantly. Accept heartfelt greetings from my family.

With love, your brother in Christ, Alex Pascar.