Baptism of the youth


Peace of God, dear brothers and sisters from the USA! I thank God for helping me this month to preach the Word of God in His Field.


-In our church there was a big holiday in connection with the baptism of three young people, which we held at the "House of Peace" church in Chernivtsi. There was a double holiday for our family because our youngest daughter, Lilia, was baptized. We thank God for her and we pray for her that the Lord would strengthen her faith so that she would walk correctly on the path of Christ. We also pray for other young people who were baptized on this beautiful day, August 2, 2020.

One testimony of brother Vasil:

My parents are unbelievers, but I repented in the camp in Boyany and realized myself that I need to be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Thank God that He helped me to complete this act. I am very happy in Christ Jesus! I also pray for my parents that the Lord will touch their hearts and they will repent.

-We are planning another baptism of three young people this year. With God's help we will hold it in early September in Dinovtsi. It's just that now the parents of these young people are not at home, but they wanted their mothers to be at home. lectures and preparing them for baptism. We pray that the Lord will help us to accomplish this holy work.

2.Bread breaking:

-Breadbreaking was postponed to the second resurrection because of baptism. We plan to do bread-breaking in the homes of the sick of our church. May the Lord help us in this matter.

3. Gratitude:

-Always thank God for you, dear brothers and sisters, and we pray for you that the Lord will bless you.

-Thank God for the fact that He gives me health to preach and work in God's field.

-Thank God that young people come to the Lord and want to make a covenant with the Lord Jesus through water baptism.

-Thank God for the fact that we can already gather in the house of prayer with the whole church, thank God!

4.Prayer Needs:

-Pray that the Lord will stop the pandemic and that our brothers and sisters will not get sick after our meetings.

-To the Lord bless the second baptism, which is scheduled in three weeks.

-To the Lord bless me with health so that I can continue to work for the work of God.

My family sends heartfelt greetings to everyone in the Name of Jesus Christ! We love you and pray for you.

With love to you, your brother in Christ Pascar Alex