Congregation is resumed


Greetings to you brothers and sisters with the love of Jesus Christ!

1.Bread breaking:

Thank God that He helped me this month to perform the Breadbreaking with the church. For a couple of weeks we gathered in groups, and now we are gathering together again. True, we need to keep a distance, but we are glad that we are together again. I walked and visited 4 patients at home, where I brought joy to these sick people because they had the opportunity to participate, together with the church, in the communion of the breaking of bread. They thanked God for His great love for all people and for us.


I had the opportunity to go to the village of Malinovka where I participated and preached at the funeral of one elderly sister (96 years old). She repented in our church 50 years ago. Thank God that the Word of the Lord was sown at this funeral and we pray for those people who listened to the Word but have not yet reconciled with God. May God give them repentance.

3.Communication of youth:

I thank God for our youth. During a pandemic, they meet in nature all the time and there they have fellowship, singing and studying the Word of God. Thank God that the Lord protects them from illness and from all evil. We also pray for our youth that the Lord will continue kept them from all evil.


This month our church, especially our youth, helped a lot to the family of Katya, a girl who repented in the camp, (Boyany last summer). They repaired the electricity, put new wires. Katya's parents were very pleased. They no longer forbid Katya to go to the congregation and they themselves began to comprehend that they also need to repent. We pray for them that the Lord will touch their hearts.

5. Activities with candidates for baptism:

I have already finished classes with candidates for baptism, now we are preparing to give them baptism at the beginning of August. We pray for this holy cause.

6.Meeting of the missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission:

10 July we had a meeting of the missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission, in Novovoselitsa to the church where brother Valery Popov is pastor. We were very encouraged at this meeting, prayed together for all the needs of our churches and that the Lord would heal our sick brothers and sisters from our region of Chernivtsi. We prayed for the victims of the flood and that the Lord would bless our land with peace and health. We thanked God for you brothers and sisters - our partners in evangelism with the USA. You are helping us a lot with your prayers and your donations for Ukraine. May the Lord bless you and reward you a hundredfold blessings in your families, in your churches and in your country.

7.Prayer Needs:

-Pray that the Lord, if it is His will, will stop this pandemic.

-To increase the love and faith of our believers.

-To end the war in Ukraine.

-So that the Lord strengthens my health to work in His Field. And for you, brothers and sisters, we constantly pray and love you. Please accept my family's heartfelt greetings.

Be blessed by God! With love, your brother in Christ, Alex Pascar.