Kids camp


Dear brothers and sisters from the USA, I greet you with the peace and grace of Jesus Christ.


1.Thanks: I am grateful to the Lord for the fact that last Saturday we completed the daytime Christian children's camp where about 30 children were always present. As I wrote before, we organized this camp in a cherry orchard where the children played and here our leaders taught Bible lessons. Thank you for the sweets that I received from you through brother Pavel Petihachny. Every time we gave them prizes and treated them with your sweets. 5 Saturdays in a row we held this camp. 10 of these children were from unbelieving families. We pray for them and for all our children. Thank God that nobody got sick with this virus.

2. Evangelism:

I had the opportunity to visit, together with my family, the church of the village of Malinovka. There I preached and our son-in-law Abraham glorified God with singing. Thank God that we could serve in this church. We visited one brother - his name is Victor. He was very happy that we visited him. We prayed for him and thanked God for the fact that the Lord still helps and strengthens His sick children.


-We have a holiday of Harvest and we are preparing for this holiday. We will take all the products that we collect to the hospital for the mentally ill in Chernivtsi. Also, young people are preparing a worship program. We pray that the Lord will help us organize this holiday and that no one gets sick.

-Our children Alina and Abraham had a second child - the boy Eliazar. We are preparing next week for them to bring the child to church for a blessing. We pray for him and for the parents so that the Lord bless them with health.

4.Prayer Needs:

-Pray that love does not cool down during this pandemic. We very much wish that the Church of Christ was always ready to meet its Bridegroom Jesus Christ.

-Pray further for us and for our health, so that we can still work for the Glory of the Lord.

-Pray for an end to the war against Ukraine.

And we pray for you and thank God for you and your help to us. Thank you for your prayers that always strengthen us here where we work. My family sends you greetings.

May God bless you! Yours faithfully, your brother in Christ, Alex Pascar.