Social aid to refugees

Greetings dear brothers and sisters of the PIE mission. Writes for you, minister Gregory Kioresko.

I praise my God for His mercy and grace to me. Lately, I could once again and again be convinced that the Lord exists and remains faithful in everything.

Recently, the Lord helped to preach at 5 funeral services, where many people heard the word of God.

Together with br. Valery Popov, organized a meeting with families whose husbands or sons are at the front, and with servicemen who serve in Novoselitsa. It was a wonderful and blessed meeting. We preached the Word of God and prayed together and then gave them food bags.

Last week, my two brothers and I went to Gostomel, a city near Kyiv. There, the Russians bombed this city very heavily, and people are in great need of help, food and clothing. I preached to them, prayed for them, and distributed food packages, and walked with them from apartment to apartment, where they showed their destroyed apartments.

Yesterday, on September 29, the Church and I prepared food, cabbage rolls, buns, and fed 300 refugee people from different regions who arrived and live in Chernivtsi. I preached to them, prayed, and handed out dinner to them. They were very grateful to us.

I ask for prayer support for:

- These people who heard the word of God, in Borodyanka, Gostomel and Chernivtsi.

- So that the Lord gives strength to help more refugees and those people, in these cities where the war took place, they are at home, but there is nowhere to live, where everything is broken.

- For my family, for me, for wisdom in service.

I thank God for you, for your prayer and financial support. I pray for you, I love you.

The Kioresko family.

VBS camp in Rokitne village

I greet you brothers and sisters in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Addresses you, minister, Gregory Kioresko.

I am very grateful to the Lord God for blessing me, my family, and the Church. For the fact that He helped me to work in His field. Thanks only to God that He gives wisdom and strength in this hard work.

I thank God and for you, brothers and sisters from America, for your prayers and for material assistance. Thank God for you.

During this time, God helped me to teach the Scriptures, in the camp, Candela, in the village of Boyany,

I visited many churches in our area, where I participated in the election of deacons and pastors.

I made trips to Borodyanka, Irpin and Bucha, where I brought food packages.

In our village of Rakitnoye, we had a daytime children's camp. For three days the children heard about God and played. There were 70 children.

I thank God for His help in everything, both in the Church and in the family.

I ask you to pray for further service, so that the Lord would give me wisdom and strength in everything.

For all the children who heard the word of God, in the camp in Boyany, and in our village.

For peace in our country, and so that the enemy goes home to his own.

Thank you again for everything you do for us here.

May the Lord bless you.

Stay in peace.

With love to you, the Kioresko family.

Funeral ministry

I greet you, dear brothers and sisters, with the love of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Writes for you, Grigory Kioresko.

I am grateful to my Lord for His mercy and grace that He has given me during this time.

During this time, we could preach the word of God, and show how much He loves us, to many refugees, along with sisters from the United States. It was a blessed time, both for us and for the refugees. They asked questions, talked about their grief, and thank God that He gave them comfort. We distributed food to them and prayed with them.

In the church with Borivtsi, ordained, and blessed and prayed for the brother, who took up the diaconal ministry. It was very beautiful, the choir sang very beautifully, and there was a blessed service.

Last Sunday I was at a wedding, where I held a wedding service for two young people. There were about 150 people, and there were a lot of unbelievers, and they listened to the sermon. I called to join the Church through repentance, and become the bride of the groom, Jesus, and when he comes, he will take his bride.

Thank God for everything. For the privilege of serving, thank God.

Tonight I'm going to Boryspil to bring food to the refugees. Pray that the Lord bless our trip.

Pray for the ministry here in the area.

For our country, pray that the Lord will stop the war.

Pray for me, for my family, to remain faithful to the end.

I thank the Lord for you, for support in prayer and material. Be blessed.

With love to you, the Kioresko family.

Feeding refuggees

Greetings with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, brothers and sisters of America, Romania and Ukraine. Writes for you, minister and your brother, Gregory Kioresko.

I want to share the blessings that the Lord has given me during this period of time. Since there is a full-scale war going on in our country, God and my Father gave me the opportunity to serve refugees at the front, in those cities that were liberated, these are Bucha, Irpin, Chernihiv, Kharkov, Sumy, and right to the front, in the trenches, we sent food and body armor.

In our region, in almost every Church there are refugees, who have more and who have less, I try to help the pastors with everything they need. People came to us without anything, they need everything: food, clothes, shoes, medicines, and Christ comes first.

A week ago, one woman from the Sumy region repented in our Church, we had great joy.

We serve these people with the Church and show them Christ. Thank God for this opportunity.

In the center of the city of Chernivtsi, brothers and sisters organized a dinner for refugees. They provide bodily and spiritual food. It is a privilege for me to help, provide food and know that with my help, there are 3000-5000 people having dinner there, and all these people are listening to the word of God. Thank God.

Thank God for your prayers for us...

For the food you send, we can't help them without your help.

Thanks be to God for the Church, which has united and works to help poor people.

Thank you for your prayers for me, for my family and for my ministry.

Please continue to pray for peace in our country.

Pray for repentance and the spiritual growth of our Churches.

Pray for the repentance of the people of Ukraine.

I am grateful to the Lord for you, for spiritual and financial support.

Be blessed by God.

With love to you, the Kioresko family.

Humanitarian aid in our region

I greet with the love of Jesus Christ dear brothers and sisters, whom I always feel near in your prayers and in our needs.

Writes for you, minister of the Church of Christ, Gregory Kioresco.

I really thank our God for you, who pray for me and help in our difficult time, when there is a war in our country.

Thank God for the fact that He saves our land from bombing, and we can safely serve and worship Him. In our country, there is a very big trouble, but even in these troubles we see our Father, how he worries about us. I am grateful to you, brothers and sisters of the PIE mission, who collected and brought this humanitarian aid. They helped us a lot in serving others.

Thank you for mattresses, for clothes, for food and chemicals (soap, washing powder, shampoo, toothpaste and brushes), we distributed all this to our refugees.

We have a lot of refugees in our village, and in the Church we have 20 believing refugees, and in the village, 120, we help unbelievers, we give everything they need, in the Name of Jesus Christ, we invite them to the meeting, and they come and listen.

I am directly involved in humanitarian aid in our region, and in the villages where there are refugees, we help people and Churches. This is very hard work, and it takes a lot of time, but I thank God that they help me, first of all, brother Valera Popov. With him, we sent humanitarian aid to the cities: Chernihiv, and twice to Kyiv, and here on the spot we help refugees who come and ask for food, dress, and those who had no place to lie down, your mattresses were very on time, brother Valera, almost distributed everything. Also in these areas where we send humanitarian aid, we give new covenants. Also, our brothers from the mission help in the distribution of these products.

Now I am working on one project, and I pray to God to give money: 100 shelves of sausages, 100 loaves of bread, 100 packs of milk to make happy those who have not eaten for a long time, that is, send them to where they really need it, hungry people, children. It all costs 18500 UAH to put a smile on the face of 100 people. I want to do this at least once a week. Please pray for this project.

Pray for the war to end, for no more young people to die.

Pray for the brothers and sisters who left everything and came to us, so that the Lord would give us the strength to endure this grief.

Pray for us that we will be open to them, to help in whatever they need. For us, this is a serious test.

Pray for me, that the Lord would give me wisdom in this difficult service.

If you can, help in any way you can: food, mattresses, chemicals, clothes.

I thank you in advance, knowing that you will not stand aside, but will help.

Thank God and all blessings to you.

With love to you, the Kioresco family.

How will you rate yourself?

I greet you dear brothers and sisters in the Name of Jesus Christ. The minister Gregory Kioresko is writing for you.

With God's help, we lived for one more year, where we met both joys and sadness, illnesses, but not for a single second, the Lord did not leave us. The Lord was with us as promised.

Lately, I have visited many Churches in our area, where we held services for the election of ministers, the ordination of pastors and deacons.

I had the privilege of preaching at an evangelistic service in the church in Vyzhnitsa. There I preached the sermon 'How will you rate yourself?''. I am very grateful to God for the fact that four souls repented there.

In our Church, we celebrated Christmas on both December 25 and January 7. It was very good, children, youth and we adults thanked God for His coming to earth, and everyone praised Him.

With our Church, we started this year with a motto to ignite more in prayer. Colossians 4:2.

I thank God in every prayer for you, for your prayers and for your financial support. My prayer is that the Lord will never leave you and His blessings will be with you.

Prayer Needs:

Pray for me, for my ministry, I need a lot of strength, wisdom, patience, please pray.

Pray for our Church, for our children and youth.

Pray for my family, for health in my family, because in our hospitals, if you don’t have money, stay at home, that’s why we ask God for healing.

May God richly bless you.

With love to you, the Kioresco family.

Blessing of my granddaughter

Dear friends, brothers and sisters, I greet you with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. The servant of God, Gregory Kioresko, is addressing you. I thank God for the fact that I have such an opportunity to communicate with you, and share with all experiences in the Lord. I thank God for you, for your prayer and financial support, glory to Him.

I thank God for the ministry that he gave me, not according to my merits, but according to the merits of Jesus Christ who is in me.

Recently, I had the opportunity to visit 12 Churches of our region, where I preached the Gospel, and participated in the election of deacons and pastors, and also participated in the ordination of deacons and pastors, thank God for the fact that He honored me for this ministry and in all the Churches of our region ...

I also preached the Gospel of salvation at three funerals, where many people heard about God.

And also I had great joy to hold in my hands one more granddaughter, which our children Andrey and Rebecca brought in order for the Lord to bless. It is a great joy to see the children of my children.

In our Church, we are preparing for the holiday of Christmas.

Please pray further for me, for my ministry, that the Lord would give wisdom in everything, both in the sermon, and in any decision, so that the Lord would be glorified.

Pray for my family, children and grandchildren.

Stay with God. Be blessed.

With love to you: the Kioresko family.

Thanksgiving Day

I greet you dear brothers and sisters in the Name of Jesus Christ. Gregory Chioresco, a minister of the living God and the Church, writes for you.

I am very grateful to our God for His grace to me at this time as well. By His grace, I live and serve today. At this uncertain time, where all the people are in panic, our Lord shows His mercy to His people. I thank God for you because I feel your prayers and financial support, my desire for my God to bless you abundantly.

During this time, the Church and I have conducted evangelistic ministry in our Church, and in two other churches in the area.

We, our Church, have made a commitment to help the small Church in the village of Dovzhok, where we bless our preacher brothers for this work.

The harvest festival was celebrated in our Church, and we went to a mental hospital and fed those sick.

And also we fed these patients 2 more times later. There are 320 patients, and they are very grateful to God and to us. There we testify before the staff.

And also with the brothers we helped the widows of the Church to cut firewood for the winter, and the sisters are very happy, and for us brothers it is very nice to have this kind of communication.

I ask you to continue to pray for me, for the ministry, and for my family. I need wisdom from heaven to serve God's people. Thank you for all the prayers and all the blessings that come from you. May the Lord bless you abundantly.

With love to you: the Kioresko family.

Social work in mental hospital


Dear brothers and sisters, I greet you with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Gregory Kioresko is writing to you, minister.

I want to share with you what our Lord is kind and merciful.

Lately, I have had the privilege to taste many times, and once again I was convinced of how good the Lord is.

During this time, I organized trips to the mental hospital, where several times with the Church of the village of Rakitnoe, and with the sisters from Chernivtsi, we fed 320 patients. There they feed the sick very poorly, so we feed the sick from time to time.

Also, I am responsible for social ministry in our area, and organized a meeting with orphans, single mothers and households, where they had conversations with a group, they did needlework with the children, and fed them twice a day, preached to them there, and We keep in touch with everyone. There were only 120 participants and about 30 children.

We organized a conference with Sunday school leaders, camp leaders and workers, and children's ministry workers. Preached to them, prayed for them, and blessed them for this important ministry.

He also visited several Churches, where he participated in the ordination in the ministry of pastors and deacons. I also visited the church of the village of Dinovtsy, where they elected deacons and brothers to the committee, and also participated there at the baptism and blessing of the child.

I also visited the church of the village of Nesvoya, where they celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Church, very much rejoiced at this anniversary.

I also preached at three funerals where many people heard the word of God.

Dear ones: I have done all this, and not only this, by the grace of the Lord, by your prayers and finances, therefore, I am very grateful to you for everything that you do for me. I thank God that you are and for the help that he gives through you. Rich blessings to you from the Lord.

Pray for me further, dear ones, this is very important for me. Thank you for everything. Be blessed.

Love the Kioresko family.

Baptism in our church


Peace be with you, dear brothers and sisters, from the USA, Romania, and Ukraine. A minister of the Church, Gregory Kioresko, is writing for you.

With God's help, blessed days, weeks and months have passed. I praise my God for what He has deigned, through Jesus Christ, to serve His people, the Church redeemed by Him, and bring people to Him, glory to God.

In the church where I serve, we were baptized, three sisters, all three repented and through water baptism testified before heaven and earth that Jesus Christ is the Lord. There were a lot of people at this service. The youth from our church served psalms, and our choir also praised the Lord.

I also took part in organizing a youth camp and taught Bible lessons there. I spoke about two righteous people from the Bible, Noah, and Lot. Their lives and results. I am very glad to have seen young people who chose to be obedient like Noah. And on Friday night I preached, on the last day of the camp, and the young people were very attentive, and when br. Paul invited to be reconciled with God, about 50 young people came out and accepted Jesus Christ.

Then, the next week, I organized a children's day camp in our village Rakitnoe. There were 110 children. I thank God for helping us with our efforts, a very strong team that served children.

Everything is fine in the family, we serve Him by His grace. I thank God for you who are sacrificing for God, helping us in this difficult ministry.

God bless you.


With love to you, Kioresko family.