Baptism in our church


Peace be with you, dear brothers and sisters, from the USA, Romania, and Ukraine. A minister of the Church, Gregory Kioresko, is writing for you.

With God's help, blessed days, weeks and months have passed. I praise my God for what He has deigned, through Jesus Christ, to serve His people, the Church redeemed by Him, and bring people to Him, glory to God.

In the church where I serve, we were baptized, three sisters, all three repented and through water baptism testified before heaven and earth that Jesus Christ is the Lord. There were a lot of people at this service. The youth from our church served psalms, and our choir also praised the Lord.

I also took part in organizing a youth camp and taught Bible lessons there. I spoke about two righteous people from the Bible, Noah, and Lot. Their lives and results. I am very glad to have seen young people who chose to be obedient like Noah. And on Friday night I preached, on the last day of the camp, and the young people were very attentive, and when br. Paul invited to be reconciled with God, about 50 young people came out and accepted Jesus Christ.

Then, the next week, I organized a children's day camp in our village Rakitnoe. There were 110 children. I thank God for helping us with our efforts, a very strong team that served children.

Everything is fine in the family, we serve Him by His grace. I thank God for you who are sacrificing for God, helping us in this difficult ministry.

God bless you.


With love to you, Kioresko family.