Social work in mental hospital


Dear brothers and sisters, I greet you with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Gregory Kioresko is writing to you, minister.

I want to share with you what our Lord is kind and merciful.

Lately, I have had the privilege to taste many times, and once again I was convinced of how good the Lord is.

During this time, I organized trips to the mental hospital, where several times with the Church of the village of Rakitnoe, and with the sisters from Chernivtsi, we fed 320 patients. There they feed the sick very poorly, so we feed the sick from time to time.

Also, I am responsible for social ministry in our area, and organized a meeting with orphans, single mothers and households, where they had conversations with a group, they did needlework with the children, and fed them twice a day, preached to them there, and We keep in touch with everyone. There were only 120 participants and about 30 children.

We organized a conference with Sunday school leaders, camp leaders and workers, and children's ministry workers. Preached to them, prayed for them, and blessed them for this important ministry.

He also visited several Churches, where he participated in the ordination in the ministry of pastors and deacons. I also visited the church of the village of Dinovtsy, where they elected deacons and brothers to the committee, and also participated there at the baptism and blessing of the child.

I also visited the church of the village of Nesvoya, where they celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Church, very much rejoiced at this anniversary.

I also preached at three funerals where many people heard the word of God.

Dear ones: I have done all this, and not only this, by the grace of the Lord, by your prayers and finances, therefore, I am very grateful to you for everything that you do for me. I thank God that you are and for the help that he gives through you. Rich blessings to you from the Lord.

Pray for me further, dear ones, this is very important for me. Thank you for everything. Be blessed.

Love the Kioresko family.