Rich in Blessings

From the first lines I greet you with the Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ. I always thank God for you, for your prayers for me and for the financial support in the ministry in Ukraine. 

  The month that passed has been a month rich in blessings. With the help of God, I preached in the church I serve, encouraged the Church and urged the members to draw nearer to God and more knowledge of Him.

On the second Sunday of the month, we dedicated the Sunday service to our youth at which they served with singing and preaching. I write with joy that at that service, a young man, Edgar, who repented in the PIE camp last summer, went out to preach. In his family he is persecuted by his parents, but God strengthens him and he faces any difficulty. I pray for him, spend time with him praying with him, and I see him rejoicing in the Lord. Join with us in prayer for Edgar.

Ministry of People

In February I preached at two funerals, visited and preached in six churches in our region, prayed at the ordination of two deacons in a village called Ropcha, in another church I assisted at the election of two deacons and in another church, I counseled a couple who have been living together for a year and want to divorce now. I am terrified of what is happening nowadays in our churches. I prayed with them and we continue to pray for this family to get wisdom from God and keep their marriage. 

I rejoice in the Lord for the family He has given to me. We serve together the Lord. My wife Milla has had some problems with her stomach recently. The others are fine. I thank you once more for your support, may the Lord reward you with His rich blessings! May His peace follow you! 

Love, the Kioresko’s family