God's Wonderful Works


Dear brothers and sisters, 

With our first lines we greet you with the peace of our Lord Jesus. 

By the help of God, the first month of this year has passed and I come to the Lord with much gratitude for His rich grace and His wonderful works.

Right from the beginning of the year, we had a week of prayer at church and every day we met up for prayer, then for two days we went caroling through the village to the people's homes, and there we had a special grace to preach about Jesus to people in our community.

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This month we visited 5 churches in our region, where by the Grace of the Lord we could serve those churches and encourage them, as well as the church in our village. 

Charity and Outreach

Our church raised some charity for brothers in Christ from the war area. We gave the charity to our brothers from Dinauts church who went to Donetsk region and brought it to our brothers in need there. We thank the Lord for protecting our brothers in Christ in the way and have been able bring joy to the brethren who live in the war zone. We also thank you for praying for them and for your help in this ministry. 

Our church organized an outreach in the center of the village for the people of our community. 50 unsaved people, 30 children and several youths came to the outreach. We pray that the Lord will work on the hearts of those people who overcame shame and came to the evangelization. Let the Holy Spirit investigate their hearts as the Word sown in them brings fruit.

Our family rejoices in the peace of the Lord. Thank you for supporting us in the ministry. May the Lord bless you and reward you and may His peace be with you! 

Love, the Kioresko family