Bringing In the New Year

Dear brothers and sisters, 


I greet you with the peace of our Lord Jesus! I praise the Lord for you who stand with us in our fight against the enemy and pray for us and the ministry in Ukraine. I thank God for the financial support too which is not less important in the ministry. 

With God’s help and mercy, we lived one more year, the last month of which was quite busy. We have the privilege to celebrate Christmas twice this year. We celebrated it on December 25th, when we had a special service at church. We will celebrate it on January 7th again, with other people in our community. On December 31st we had a special service at church which started at 9 p.m. and ended at midnight. Thus, everybody from our church had the opportunity to begin the New Year in the church. 

I preached at two funerals in December and made ten pastoral visits. I visited two nonbeliever families and I had the opportunity to share the Gospel to them. 

In December I had a bad flu but with God’s mercy it passed without side effects and I am alive and fine now. I praise the Lord that no one in the family caught the flu I had. 

May the Lord reward your sacrifice you do for us in Ukraine! May the peace and love of the Lord be with you!

Love, Kioresko family