The fruit of Christian camp

viber image 2019-03-23 , 21.32.14.jpg


I am happy to be a servant of God. He entrusted a very important ministry for us – make people followers of Jesus Christ.

Thank you, everyone, who supports us and pray about us. You help us to realize our vision of ministry.

This Sunday after common congregation we conducted the youth meeting. There were a lot of young people who came to worship God and to hear the Scripture. One brother was preaching, his name is Edgar and he had repented last year in the Christian youth camp in Boyan. So, how it is a pleasure to see the fruit of that camp that this guy came to Jesus and even much more he is preaching today. Praise the Lord.

Please, pray of him, because his parents are unbelievers and make some persecution to him. Let God gives the strength to his faith.

Love, the Kioresko family