Preparing for the camp


Peace be upon you brothers and sisters of the RIE mission, may God bless you generously. Thank God that we have such a common opportunity together no matter where we are to serve God and people in the Holy Spirit. Thank you for the prayerful and material support of our family.

Circumstances were such that I had to be at a funeral in the village of Shcherbyntsi, where one sister in Christ, who had recently become ill, died. I had the opportunity to preach the Word of God, there were also unbelievers, I announced the hope of resurrection from the dead.

We also had a service on the Feast of the Ascension were in the house of Prayer unbelievers also listened.

We also started preparing for the camp, we were in training, we had a meeting with those responsible for the camp. As the Lord will help, we plan it in early August.

Prayer needs:

  1. Please pray for the wonderful opportunities that God gives in the summer. This is a rich time for various activities so that God will bless all our plans before Him that we make

  2. Also pray for the preparation for baptism I do as God's will we will have this holiday

Thank you for helping financially this is a blessing for us as for the ministers it is important to us. May God reward you a hundredfold, thank God for everything. Today we have already received such information that the state has allowed us to do all the mass events, it is already very good that we can do it freely with joy, and it removes and solves many cases, God is good.

With love and respect, your brother and servant Igor Dziadyk