Meeting in the Rebcentr


May God increase your peace and grace, may the Lord bless you abundantly! Thank you for your cooperation in God's work, inside the church and outside with people.

Thank you for your prayerful support as well as financial.

Thank you that the Lord God leads in a special way, gives different opportunities and fellowship with people. God arranged the circumstances in such a way that I had to lead a man named Tolya. In the conversation we started talking about God, about faith, about believers, I told him that we should at least believe that there is hell and life after the grave. And how long do you live you need to choose where you want to be in eternity and so on, I talked for a few hours with him ...

I had another meeting with an elderly woman, I said that you need to believe in Jesus and receive the Holy Spirit. She thought a lot and asked how to receive the Holy Spirit, I gave her an answer and I pray that she would accept Jesus.


I also had to do another help with products for addicts in the Rebcenter of the village of Malynivka. We had a meeting with these people and a prayer with them, we plan to go to them with a spiritual program.

My family and I also met a relative of ours named Laura. She met brothers and sisters from the Church of Philadelphia, who came to her from Chernivtsi, and together we had such a meeting. She is close to believing. I will continue to meet with her to talk about faith and salvation

Please pray for:

- for the people we meet to tell them about Jesus

- for people who are addicted and undergo a program to rehabilitate and return to their families and churches

Thank you brothers and sisters for being with us, for working together no matter where we are. We are united by One God and help in everything we plan and put before Him.

May God strengthen you all so that you can achieve the goals you set for yourself, for the glory of God and the building up of the church of Christ.

With love and respect, your brother and servant Igor Dziadyk