Support of addicts


Christ risen! Peace and grace to you, may God bless you. Thank God that he still gives such a time of grace and freedom to serve here on earth. I want to thank you for the material support as well as for the prayer that you do not forget about us.

Last month we had a wonderful opportunity to remember the glorious event of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. We had a program with young people in the church, as well as a sermon on the resurrection and what we received through the risen Christ.

I also had the opportunity to visit my aunt who hears about Christ but is still hesitant to leave her old way of life.

We also had such a desire to be in the Rehabilitation Center in the village of Malynivka and visit some addicts, we brought them some food, canned food, vegetables, they were very happy.

We also had the Lord's Supper this month, remembering the purpose of the death of Jesus Christ in relation to us.

Please pray for these people we visit to receive the Word of God into our hearts

I had the opportunity to be in the village of Stytseva on the ministry, to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, there were unbelievers who listened and I also blessed the child.

He also started preparing for the baptism of a sister from our church, we are thinking of giving a baptism in the summer so that God will bless this work for His glory.

Thank you for your prayers, please pray for this preparation for baptism, and we are planning a children's camp for the summer so that God will help

Thank you for always having us in your heart, serving the Lord together, caring for us financially and supporting us, and spiritually the whole family is grateful to you, bless you in your work before God.

With love and respect, your brother and servant Igor Dziadyk