Conference in Romania


Our dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, we salute you, peace and grace from our Lord Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

We thank the Lord for you, because you are our help, support, blessing in our service for the Lord.

For 2 days (October 25-26), together with 4 brothers, ministers, they attended a conference held in Romania, in the village of Sucevita, in the guest house of the restaurant Dagida. There was the theme of discipleship, which is very important and of great importance in the church of Christ. This conference was organized thanks to the Mission of the GDI, which was originally founded in the United States. We had very good communication with the brothers from Romania, as well as with brother Aurel who is from Alba Julia, and who is a member of the mission PIEI of Romania. Our young preachers were pleased with the conference, they heard a lot of edification, through lessons and topics, connected with apprenticeship, and I pray that our future generation will develop in practice and bear much fruit.


Also on October 27, we, with one small group from our church, visited our sister, who was 95 years old. This is such a Jubilee. We had instructive fellowship through the word of God, and chanting. My heart was very glad that there were unbelieving relatives, the son of this sister, grandson, and great-grandson, who heard the word of God through songs. I pray that the word touches them.

On this Resurrection, we helped one family financially, with Chernivtsi, who were in serious trouble.

Thank you very much, brothers and sisters from the USA, because through you a lot of services are held in Ukraine. I pray for you, that the Lord will strengthen you more and more.

Prayer Needs:

1. Pray for those who have heard the word of God that it touches them.

2. For young people, so that they depend more on the word of God than on the computer, which is so beckoning.

3. For our family.

May the Lord bless you, respectfully Gortopan Mihai.

Gospel at funeral


Greetings, peace and grace to you from God the Father and God the Son of Jesus Christ. I am grateful to the Lord for you, and I pray for you constantly so that He will protect you and help you in His service.



At the beginning of this month, I visited the sick, aged sisters and brothers from our church with bread refracted. We had a good time with them in a conversation over the word of God, which comforted and betrayed them, to live on this earth, despite their illnesses and difficulties. We prayed together, and I saw their faith in which they stand firmly, showing their love for the Lord with their lives, and this encouraged me. Also, I was at the funeral where there were a lot of unbelieving people listening to the word of God. I pray for these people that this word will grow in their hearts and change their lives, and lead them to the Lord, who has prepared heaven for those who believe in Him.


I thank you, brothers and sisters, from the USA for being our partners in the ministry in Ukraine. Thanks to your support, we can help many people in need.

Prayer Needs:

For people who heard the word of God, for their repentance.

For the youth of our church, so that we are firm in our service to Him.

For the ministers of our church, so that the Lord will strengthen them and give strength.

We love you, with respect, Gortopan Mihail.

Thanksgiving in the center of the village

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Greetings, grace to you and peace from our Lord Jesus Christ. I glorify and magnify our Lord, for the opportunity, to preach the gospel to Him who does not know Him.

I recently held a funeral in which there were many unbelievers. The word of God was preached at the funeral. Many have heard the gospel, and I pray the Lord to touch the hearts of these unsaved souls through the Holy Spirit.


 In the last week of September, as usual, we celebrate Harvest Day, Thanksgiving, for all the products that the earth produced that the Lord blessed us with this year. We celebrated this holiday in the center of the village, with many citizens of the village who were invited. The Word of God was preached, psalms were sung for our Heavenly Father. We thanked the Lord for His concern for us. It was a great lesson for those who visited this holiday, to learn to thank the Lord, for all the good that He has done for us, for these gifts that we have in our fields.


For those who listened to the word of God at the funeral and at the harvest festival.

For our church, so that she is active in work for the Lord.

For me and my family.

Sincerely, Mikhail Gortopan

Comforted in Jesus Christ

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Greetings, peace and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. May our Lord, who is our comforter, be glorified and continue to console us in all our difficulties, so that we, as he can comfort those who are in a difficult situation. These days we visited our old brothers and sisters and patients of our church. Together with them, we discussed the word of God, in which we find the word of comfort and promises of God that strengthen us. We had a joint prayer, and through this fellowship and prayer they also strengthened me in faith, through their life and love for the Lord. I really enjoyed talking with our sister, who is already 95, she is independent, and no one cares for her, it is pleasant that she is interested in, prays for the church, youth, grandchildren and great-grandchildren who have not yet known the Lord. It is a great joy to be comforted by a person who is physically weak and spiritually supports us ministers and the church. I praise the Lord for our youth who participate in the church through the preaching of the gospel and in chants.

Prayer needs:

  • For youth, so that God encourages and strengthens them in His ministry.

  • For the family of our sister who is in old age, for their repentance.

  • For me and my family, that the Lord will give us wisdom in His ministry.

May the Lord bless you abundantly. Regards Gortopan Michael.

Meeting with the Romanian churches

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I greet you, peace be upon you from our Lord Jesus Christ. We have a special joy to know you and to be partners in God's joint work.

 On Saturday, for the second time, we had a meeting with the ministers of the Romanian churches. The first meeting we had was in our church, where I had a short word to them for encouragement. I used a character from the Bible, Apolos, who is a role model nowadays.

At our second meeting, we had a brother from the union of the fraternal council who, through Ps 45, showed us what brotherly love and communication should be like between us, which is often lacking nowadays.

Thank you for your help in serving in Ukraine, and we ask you to pray for us:

1. For the unity of the Romanian churches.

2. For Thanksgiving, which we will celebrate in the center of the village, on Sunday, September 15th.

3. For me, and for my ministry in which I serve in the church.

May the Lord bless you abundantly. Regards Gortopan Michael.