Comforted in Jesus Christ

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Greetings, peace and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. May our Lord, who is our comforter, be glorified and continue to console us in all our difficulties, so that we, as he can comfort those who are in a difficult situation. These days we visited our old brothers and sisters and patients of our church. Together with them, we discussed the word of God, in which we find the word of comfort and promises of God that strengthen us. We had a joint prayer, and through this fellowship and prayer they also strengthened me in faith, through their life and love for the Lord. I really enjoyed talking with our sister, who is already 95, she is independent, and no one cares for her, it is pleasant that she is interested in, prays for the church, youth, grandchildren and great-grandchildren who have not yet known the Lord. It is a great joy to be comforted by a person who is physically weak and spiritually supports us ministers and the church. I praise the Lord for our youth who participate in the church through the preaching of the gospel and in chants.

Prayer needs:

  • For youth, so that God encourages and strengthens them in His ministry.

  • For the family of our sister who is in old age, for their repentance.

  • For me and my family, that the Lord will give us wisdom in His ministry.

May the Lord bless you abundantly. Regards Gortopan Michael.