Meeting with the Romanian churches

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I greet you, peace be upon you from our Lord Jesus Christ. We have a special joy to know you and to be partners in God's joint work.

 On Saturday, for the second time, we had a meeting with the ministers of the Romanian churches. The first meeting we had was in our church, where I had a short word to them for encouragement. I used a character from the Bible, Apolos, who is a role model nowadays.

At our second meeting, we had a brother from the union of the fraternal council who, through Ps 45, showed us what brotherly love and communication should be like between us, which is often lacking nowadays.

Thank you for your help in serving in Ukraine, and we ask you to pray for us:

1. For the unity of the Romanian churches.

2. For Thanksgiving, which we will celebrate in the center of the village, on Sunday, September 15th.

3. For me, and for my ministry in which I serve in the church.

May the Lord bless you abundantly. Regards Gortopan Michael.