Preaching in a camp


I greet you, peace and grace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. I always thank the Lord for you, so that the Lord will strengthen you in your ministry.


We had a very important event, this is a camp in Boyan. It was carried out a lot of joint work. Also from our church were leaders, youth, adolescents and children. Our church supported this ministry for a week in prayer. And we saw positive results that brought us joy.

 On Sunday, a young girl, her name Eliada, she was 14 years old, testified of her repentance in the camp, of how she felt when she accepted Christ into her heart, and how she returned home with a joyful heart. Also, the little boy who visited our day camp, he was very pleased with him and when he heard about the camp in Boyan, he also wanted to go there. He is from a non-Christian family. And he is interested in the gospel, in God's word, along with his mother.


Please pray for this girl Eliade who repented in the camp, so that her faith in the Lord would be strengthened and grow.

Pray also for this child and his mother so that they will know the Lord as the Savior.


Thank you for your help, prayers, finances, which went to this camp. A lot of work has been done with your participation.

We pray for you, and wish that the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you and us.

Sincerely, Mikhail Gortopan.