Thanksgiving in the center of the village

viber image 2019-05-15 , 21.28.40.jpg

Greetings, grace to you and peace from our Lord Jesus Christ. I glorify and magnify our Lord, for the opportunity, to preach the gospel to Him who does not know Him.

I recently held a funeral in which there were many unbelievers. The word of God was preached at the funeral. Many have heard the gospel, and I pray the Lord to touch the hearts of these unsaved souls through the Holy Spirit.


 In the last week of September, as usual, we celebrate Harvest Day, Thanksgiving, for all the products that the earth produced that the Lord blessed us with this year. We celebrated this holiday in the center of the village, with many citizens of the village who were invited. The Word of God was preached, psalms were sung for our Heavenly Father. We thanked the Lord for His concern for us. It was a great lesson for those who visited this holiday, to learn to thank the Lord, for all the good that He has done for us, for these gifts that we have in our fields.


For those who listened to the word of God at the funeral and at the harvest festival.

For our church, so that she is active in work for the Lord.

For me and my family.

Sincerely, Mikhail Gortopan