Baptism at the church

Dear brothers and sisters of PIEI America, we greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I praise God for giving us such a blessed month where God was glorified through wonderful events.

1. On the first Sunday of the month, we had a baptism in our church where 7 souls made a covenant with Jesus through water baptism: 5 young and one older family. I am glad that these young people repented last summer in the camp and this is the fruit of the ministries where we work together with the team from the USA every year.

2. Then the ministry continued where for a whole week we had a Christian day camp for children in our church, where 100 children came to the camp every day, teenagers came before lunch and after lunch. There was a blessed service where the deacon of the church, young sisters, as well as the youth of our church participated.

3. At the end of the month, a Christian youth camp was held in Boyany, organized by our mission PIEI. This is a blessed service where we saw the hearts of teenagers and children renewed under the assistance of the heard Word of God. Here we saw the hand of God, because only the Spirit of God worked on the hearts of these children throughout the week and we are very happy for these 35 children who accepted Christ in their hearts in this camp.


-I thank God for the wonderful opportunities to preach the Gospel.

-I thank God for the team from the USA who served both in the camp and in evangelism with glasses.

5.Prayer needs:

-Pray with us for the children, teenagers and young people who were in the camp, that the Lord would work with His Holy Spirit in their hearts.

-Pray for those souls who have received water baptism, so that the Lord will protect them from all evil and from sin.

-Pray for me too, that the Lord will give me a good word and the power of the Holy Spirit to preach the Gospel and to testify about Christ Jesus.

And we thank our brothers and sisters from the USA from the bottom of our hearts, as a team that we had in Ukraine, as well as to those who stayed at home, but supported us in your prayers and helped us sponsor this ministry with money, which we had for a whole week. Both the service in the camp and the service with glasses were deeds blessed by God, and we continue to expect the fruit of repentance from people who heard the Word of the Gospel. May the Lord richly bless you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, our partners in evangelism here in Ukraine.

With love to you, the Gortopan family.