Evangelization in the church

Dear brothers and sisters, we greet you with the love and peace of Jesus Christ.

We praise the Lord for His mercy and grace through which we can still work in His Field every day in this difficult time for us.

1. For our church, the neighboring village of Vanchikautsi is a place for missionary work. This month we organized a day camp for children where children from this village were taught children's lessons from the Gospel, they also had different games and Bible competitions.

2. Our church prayers for peace in Ukraine do not cease. So, on August 24, there was a special day for prayer, when all believers of Ukraine united for prayer for the war to end and for peace to come, which we all expect from our Lord.

3. On the last Sunday of August, there was a large evangelization in the church, guests from Romania. They preached the Word of God and glorified the Lord by singing spiritual psalms. There was a wonderful evangelism where many unbelievers were present.

4. Thanksgiving:

- I thank the Lord for all the circumstances through which the Gospel was preached.

- I thank the Lord for His care for us in the services that we held this month.

- We thank the Lord for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA - our partners in the gospel here in Ukraine. For your support and your prayers for us.

5. Prayer requests:

- Dear brothers and sisters from the USA, continue to pray with us for peace in Ukraine.

- Pray for the ministry that we do in the neighboring village of Vanchikauts. So that the gospel will be successful and that people will come to God.

- Pray for me too, so that when God gives me such circumstances for the gospel, that the Lord will give me the power of the Holy Spirit and His wisdom in this ministry.

-On behalf of my family, we thank you with all our hearts for all that you do for us and wish you joy and God's peace to accompany you every day and every hour. We pray for you and wish you abundant blessings from God!

With love to you, the Gortopan family.