Humanitarian aid for the East

Dear brothers and sisters from the USA, we greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ! I praise the Lord because only He cares for us and supports us in our service and the gospel that we fulfill here.

1. We continue, together with the church, to pray and help in those places in Ukraine where the war is going on. This month, brothers from our church went 2 times to the Donetsk region from a car canteen where they prepared hot food for the soldiers who defend our country there. This was also an opportunity for our brothers to evangelize our soldiers, to tell them about the salvation of the human soul.

2. Our church again began missionary service to the neighboring village of Vanchikovtsy. A year has already passed since 3 people from this village repented and were baptized. And with God’s help, we, together with them, do a service every Sunday afternoon (at 17:00). These young people from this village really want to work for God in their village. And we study the Word of God and also worship God in Spirit and Truth. We pray that people from the world will come and that they will repent.

3. From brother Valery Popov we received vegetables and food and had the opportunity to help people in need and displaced people. These good deeds tell people a lot. Then we can preach the Gospel to them.

4. Thanksgiving:

-I thank the Lord for the opportunities that He gives us to preach the Gospel to people.

-I thank the Lord for the 6 souls who will be baptized this summer.

5.Prayer needs:

-Pray with us for those ministries that will soon be in our church: baptism and Christian camps.

-Continue to pray for our Ukraine so that the long-awaited peace will come.

-Pray for me too, that the Lord will give me wisdom and the Power of the Holy Spirit in preaching the Gospel.

We thank from the bottom of our hearts all our evangelistic partners from PIEI America for your support and for your help in ministry from Ukraine. May the Lord reward you with a hundredfold blessing for your work and for your service. We pray for you and wait for you with love.

With respect to you, the Gortopan family.