Preparation for baptism

Dear brothers and sisters of PIEI America, we greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ. I always praise the Lord for giving us opportunities and favorable times to preach the Word of the Gospel.

1. At the beginning of the month, our church celebrated the Feast of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. We had a well-prepared special Easter program for our church where there were non-believers among us who listened carefully to the Word of God. On the second day we organized an evangelism with children, where there were about 50 children. They had a wonderful time studying the Word of God and praising God through singing and poetry. Then everyone received gifts and they were very pleased.

2. We are very glad that in our church there are 6 candidates for baptism who want to make a covenant with our Lord Jesus Christ through water baptism this summer. Preparations are already underway, they are studying the Word of God and teaching them basic things from the Bible how church members should behave in the Church of Christ.

3. In our country, in Ukraine, a chain of prayer and fasting for victory and peace in Ukraine was organized. Our church, together with the Chernivtsi region, had a whole week from May 5 to May 12, fasting and prayer for peace in Ukraine. May the Lord hear us and everyone who prays for this long-awaited world.

4. Thanksgiving:

-We always thank God for you, brothers and sisters from the USA, our partners in evangelism here in Ukraine, our friends and brothers in Christ who help us a lot in this difficult time for us.

-I thank God for those unbelievers who visit our House of Prayer and listen to the Word of God.

5. Prayer needs:

-Pray with us for the candidates for baptism, especially pray for one girl, Evelina, who repented in the summer in the camp in Boyany. She comes from an unbelieving family.

-Continue to pray for peace in Ukraine.

-Pray for me that the Holy Spirit will always give me a zealous Word when I have to preach the Gospel among people who need Salvation in Christ.

And to you, our evangelism partners from the PIEI America mission, I am very grateful to you for everything you do for us. May the Lord reward you with blessings a hundredfold for your work in His Field. And we, in turn, always pray for you and bless you.

With love to you, the Gortopan family.