Humanitarian aid for needy

Dear brothers and sisters from the USA, our evangelistic partners here in Ukraine, we greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I glorify and give praise to the Lord, because only because of His mercy and grace to us, He has protected us until now.

1. In all services in the church, we see the guiding Hand of God above us. Together with our brothers, we have an analysis of the Word of God, and we are now studying the parables of our Lord Jesus Christ. At the end of the study, we analyze everything we have learned and pray that the Lord will help us apply the Word of God in our lives. This study of the Gospel is very pleasing to those brothers who have recently repented. This is how they learn, and they need this for the edification of their souls, for the spiritual growth of faith. It is also necessary for all of us to study the Word of God so that we grow spiritually every day of our life on this earth.

2. Through Popov's brother Valery, our missionary, we received humanitarian aid, clothes, products and vegetables, and I took them to families in need, displaced persons and the sick. These people thanked us very much, they were glad for our visits and praised the Lord God. I really wish that through such visits to disadvantaged people, the Lord would speak to their hearts and draw these people to Himself.

3. On the last Sunday of this month, we celebrated the Feast of the Entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. Many unbelieving people attended this evangelization. Our youth, as well as children from the church, had a wonderful program of glorification through which our Lord Jesus Christ was glorified. The Word of God was also preached through the Power of the Holy Spirit. We pray for all the people who listened to this service.

4. Thanks:

- I am very grateful to the Lord for you, brothers and sisters from the USA, because you are a great support and blessing in the service of Ukraine.

- I thank the Lord for peace and tranquility in our region where we live. Without the arrival of rockets and without bombings, we can safely serve the Lord here.

5. Prayer needs:

- We will pray for unbelieving people who listen to the Word of the Gospel, so that the Lord may test their hearts to repentance.

- Continue to pray for our country, for peace, because only through our efforts and persistence in our prayers, the Lord will give us the long-awaited peace in Ukraine.

- Pray for me and my family, that the Lord would strengthen us in faith and protect us from all evil during this difficult period of the war in Ukraine, so that we could serve the Lord zealously and boldly, not looking at the obstacles that surround us, but looking to our Lord Jesus Christ-Glory to Him forever!

From our family, we wish you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA - our partners in the gospel here in Ukraine, that we continue to serve the Lord together and that the Lord blesses you with health, peace, joy, success and many more blessings from the Lord in your families, in to your churches and to your country of the USA. We, through our brother Pavel Petihachny, are always informed about your prayer needs and will always bring these prayer needs of yours to the Lord in our prayers. We are always grateful to the Lord for you and for what you do for us.

With love to you, the Hortopan family.