Nativity of Christ

Dear brothers and sisters from the PIEI organization, we greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ! Only through the grace and mercy of our Lord we survived until the end of the year 2023, a difficult year for our country, when there is a terrible war that has brought so many lost lives of young, children and old, so many tears of separation in families. Many were left without a home and were forced to come to our region where they found refuge in our region. There are empty houses in our village where the owners have moved and are working abroad, and these displaced people live in their houses. And we praise God for the fact that our region is still calm, and we can help those who need our help.

1. In the month of December, which is the month of gifts, my family and I prepared food packages for poor families from our village, for displaced people who live among us, and for frail old people.

2. On December 25, we celebrated the Nativity of Christ together with our church. There was a blessed service where everyone who wanted to glorify our Lord Jesus Christ the Messiah, from children and young people to anyone who wanted to, even those who were already old, participated in this program. The good news is that non-believers were also present at our worship. We pray for them.

3. I am happy for one young girl, Evelina, who repented at the camp this summer in Boyany. She takes an active part in the youth worship group. I put one photo of her glorifying God through singing.

4. In the last week of this year we had prayer services every day. Every day we had prayer needs for our country, for the leadership of our country, for the end of the war, for the repentance of our people, for the growth of our faith and for the readiness of the Church of Christ for the coming of Christ. And also about other prayer needs of our church.

5. Thanksgiving:

-We thank the Lord for helping us in everything so far, protecting us, and taking care of us.

-I thank the Lord that we have you, true friends, brothers and sisters in Christ, who help us and support us in this difficult time for us.

6. Prayer needs:

-Please pray for Evelina, that the Lord will strengthen her faith, and that the devil will not deceive her because we are now living in difficult times, I mean spiritually.

-We continue to pray for peace in Ukraine and for peace in Israel.

-We pray for this coming year, 2024, that the Lord will bless it, and that He will bless us all with wisdom from above.

At the end of this year, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts, our brothers and sisters in the United States who serve God with us. This year has been a difficult year, but you have been a consolation, encouragement, and support for us. We are very grateful to the team led by brother Cornel Stef and sister Gabriella, who had the courage to come to Ukraine.

The Christian youth camp in Boyany was wonderful, and we are now seeing good results, Thank God!

In this New Year 2024, we wish you peace in your hearts, joy in Christ, and many abundant blessings from God!

With love to you, the Gortopan family.