Christmas for children

Dear brothers and sisters of the PIEI organization, we greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We thank the Lord that by His mercy and grace, we were able to live one month of this new year - the first month of 2024, continuing to serve our Lord, together with you, our partners from the USA, in preaching the gospel here in Ukraine.

1. On January 7, in our area, people celebrate the Nativity of Christ, and we organized evangelism with children in our church. Children from our church took part, as well as children from our village from non-believing families. The children were given lessons from the Bible related to the Birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. How the Son of God became incarnate through Mary, how the Messiah-Savior of the world was born. The children asked many questions to their teachers, and they also had Bible competitions and games. They found these lessons very interesting and enjoyable. And at the end of the program, all the children received gifts.

2. The youth of our church walked around the village with carols and spread the good news throughout the village in many houses both in the village of Tarasovtsy and in the village of Vanchikovtsy. Everyone they visited was given a spiritual calendar.

3. During this time of winter we visit the sick and members of our church. We have conversations with them from the Holy Scriptures, they tell us about their problems and their illnesses. We pray with them and encourage them through the Word of God. Such discussions and conversations bring us closer to each other. And when I learn from them about their needs, I know what to pray to God for our sick. And I myself am strengthened in faith through such communications with our brothers and sisters.


-I thank the Lord for having good opportunities for evangelism this month.

-We thank God for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, because you are a blessing and great support for us both spiritually and materially.

5.Prayer needs:

-Pray with us for all those who have heard the Word of the Gospel this month, that the Spirit of God will prompt them to repentance.

-Continue to pray for our country and for the country of Israel, so that the Lord will intervene, because only God can make the war end.

-Pray for me too that the Lord will give me wisdom, health and zeal for the gospel.

-Thank you, brothers and sisters from the USA, for helping us in ministries in Ukraine, supporting us both in your prayers and financially. And also in your spirit you are always close to us, we always glorify God and always thank the Lord for you. We love you too and are always praying for you. We also wish you peace and blessings from heaven from the Lord.

With love to you, the Gortopan family.