Ministering brothers conference

Dear brothers and sisters from the PIEI organization, we greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

1. Because we have a war in Ukraine, and because we are having a difficult time now, guests come to visit us, especially brothers from Romania. We organize conferences, and ministerial brothers from Romania minister the Word at these conferences. This month 4 ministering brothers from Romania came to us and we organized large evangelizations to our church. We are pleased that non-believers also come to these Evangelizations.

-On the last Sunday of this month, we organized an Evangelization with a group of singers from Chernivtsi. The service was in Ukrainian and we invited many displaced people to this service. We pray for them that they will repent.

2. We held funerals where the Word of God was preached in the Power of the Holy Spirit. One sister died at the age of 99. All her relatives were unbelievers, and everyone listened to the Word of God. We pray for these people too. For us, such evangelizations are a joy, because we can serve the Word to people who have not yet known the love of Jesus Christ.

3. Our sisters from the church, every Saturday, have prayer meetings and pray earnestly so that the war in Ukraine will end. And there were also topics for prayer so that we would not be afraid of any horror and misfortune that could befall us at any moment. We must trust only in God and entrust our lives in His Holy Hands.

-November 6, also, our sisters had a day of fasting and prayer. Together with all the Baptist sisters from all over the world, they prayed on the topic: “Uniting all the sisters from the Baptist brotherhood to convince people for Christ.”

We also collected funds that we sent to help serve people in need.

4. Two of our brothers from our church went with a bus loaded with food products to the war zone. Thank God that they came home safe and sound, and for the fact that they brought joy to people who need it.


-We thank God for having good opportunities to preach the Gospel to many unbelievers.

-We thank God for peace and tranquility in our region and we have the opportunity to help displaced people.

6.Prayer needs:

-Pray with us about ministry with displaced people, because this is a very important ministry that we have at the moment during this time of war in Ukraine.

-Let us pray for those unbelievers who heard the Word of God this month.

-Pray for me that the Lord will give me the necessary Words of His when I preach the Gospel.

And to you, brothers and sisters from the USA, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your financial support, for your encouragement and for your prayers. You are a great blessing and support for us.

And we pray for you and wish you great and abundant blessings from our Lord Jesus Christ.

With love to you, the Gortopan family.