Evangelization with the displaced people

Dear brothers and sisters, we greet you with the love and peace of Jesus Christ! I magnify the Lord because only He cares and takes care of us in this service that we do before Him here in Ukraine.

1. This month, together with our church, we held a funeral for one brother deacon at the age of 89, who lived among us as an immigrant from Irpen, Kyiv region. The Word of God was preached both at the pre-funeral service and on the second day at the brother’s funeral. Many of the unbelieving people were at this funeral and heard the Word of the Gospel preached in the power of the Holy Spirit.

2. We had evangelization with the displaced people who live among us, where one brother, an immigrant from Lugansk, a city that is under occupation, preached. He had a strong testimony along with his wife. His wife herself is from the USA but has been living in Ukraine for 33 years. At the end of this evangelization, each of the settlers received one package of food for which these people were very grateful to God and our church.

3. At the end of the month we had 2 evening evangelisms with 2 brothers from Romania. One brother preached the Word of God, and the other brother was a good singer and praised God through singing. We pray for those unbelievers who visited our church during these days of evangelization.


-We thank God that this month we have had wonderful opportunities to proclaim the Gospel to people.

-We always thank God for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, because you are a very good support for our ministry here in Ukraine during this difficult time for us.

-We are also grateful to the Lord for the fact that in our region it is still quiet and calm, without the arrival of enemy missiles, and we can work here in God’s Field to serve in the church, as well as to help people in need.

5.Prayer needs:

-Let's pray together for Ukraine and for Israel where this bloody war broke out. The Lord can stop all this. We trust in Him.

-Pray for the unbelieving people who heard the Word of the Gospel preached this month.

-Pray for me and my family that the Lord will protect us and that we will always remain in His Truth.

We are sincerely grateful to you, brothers and sisters from the USA, for the fact that in various difficult life situations through which we went through, you always prayed for us, supported us and helped us financially. We always praise and thank God for you, brothers and sisters from the USA - our partners in the gospel here in Ukraine!

We always pray for you, love you and wish you abundant blessings from God and the peace of Christ to always be among you and with you!

With love, the Gortopan family.