Thanksgiving day

Dear brothers and sisters of PIEI America, we greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I praise the Lord for having lived through blessed days this month when I saw every day the support and protection of God in my ministry.

1. At the beginning of September we had an evangelization in our church with one brother preacher from Romania. One family also praised God through singing, where both parents and children are all singers - Glory to God! Unbelieving people also came to this evangelization and listened to the Word of God. We pray for them.

2. Our church collected 1000 dollars for one church from Kyiv. They bought a two-story house. On the first floor they will have a Rehabilitation Center, and on the second floor there will be a House of Prayer. We have had ties with this church since the beginning of the war in Ukraine. Many of them lived among us as refugees. And now, when it is already calm there, they have gone home, and we are helping them in this ministry.

-We also helped several refugee families from our village who need our help.

3. On the last Sunday of September, we celebrated, together with the church, the Harvest holiday - the Day of thanksgiving to the Lord our God for all the gifts of the earth this year. There was a rich program where children, youth and everyone from the church participated, who had a poem or psalms to glorify God on this wonderful Thanksgiving day. The whole church offered prayers of thanksgiving to the Lord for the wonderful harvest that God sent to us on earth.


-I always thank the Lord for you, brothers and sisters from the USA, for the fact that you always support us in your prayers and help us financially to support our ministry here in Ukraine.

-We thank God that we live in a blessed place, where during this war it is calm and we can help everyone who needs help, as well as our refugees.

5.Prayer needs:

-Pray with us for all the people who heard the Word of the Gospel this month in different ways.

-Continue to pray for our Ukraine so that the Lord will have mercy on us and stop this difficult war that brings so much suffering, pain of separation and death.

-Pray for me that the Lord will give me wisdom from above to serve God and that the Holy Spirit will fill me always when I tell people about Christ.

And to all our evangelism partners from the PIEI organization, we are very grateful to you for everything you do for us here. May the Lord return your blessings a hundredfold for your work and support in service for Christ. We love you and are always praying for you. Be blessed by God!

With love to you, the Gortopan family.