Baptism in our church

Dear brothers and sisters, we greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ! I praise the Lord for the fact that He wonderfully guides us and takes care of us in our service in God’s Field.

1. At the beginning of the month of August, we had a Baptism in our church, where 3 young people were baptized and made a vow to the Lord that they would serve Him for the rest of their lives. These young people (over 30 years old) live in the neighboring village of Vanchikovtsy, where there is no Protestant church, but only an Orthodox church. They need our prayers so that the Lord strengthens their faith.

2. One of the girls who repented in the camp, in Boyany, regularly attends our church, takes an active part in the youth ministry in the church, and the other girl, Amelia, who also repented in Boyany, came to church only once in a whole month. This is because her parents are against her attending our church. But we pray for her and her parents. And we believe that the Lord can work miracles for this family.

3. After evangelism with eyepieces, which was carried out by brothers from the USA and sister Debbie, one man from our village (his name is Alexey) regularly visits our church. We really pray for him so that he understands the Word of God which can change his life.


-We thank God for you, brothers and sisters from the USA, who support us both financially and spiritually through your prayers for us and for our ministry in Ukraine.

-We thank God for heard prayers for those young people from Vanchikovtsa. They are very active in ministry and love to study the Word of God. May the Lord help them to continue to be so zealous in serving for Him.

5.Prayer needs:

-Pray with us for Amelia, a girl who repented in the camp and who cannot attend our meetings because of her parents. The Lord is the One who can resolve this situation in her family.

-Let us pray for our church youth, that they may be united, and that they may be a good example for non-believers.

-Pray for me that the Lord will always give me the Word through the Power of the Holy Spirit, so that this Word will touch the hearts of people.

-Pray for the war in Ukraine to end.

Once again, thank you from the bottom of our hearts to the brothers and sisters of PIEI USA for your support. We always pray for you and wish you abundant blessings from our Lord God. We always wish that we have a true and good relationship with God and that we serve God together.

With love to you, the Gortopan family.