Florina Darvell


My name is Florina and I got married to Mark Darvell. We have two children: David (2010) and Ruben (2011). I was born in 1977 in Ocna Mures.

When I was 16 years old I struggled with the vice of smoking cigarettes however on a random day I got invited to go to the cinema by one of my schoolmates where an Evangelization was taking place. That was the place where I aknowkedged for the first time that Jesus died for my sins.

Nobody spoke to me personally but in that night, when I arrived home, I prayed with my words and I said "Lord Jesus, if you died for me, I will stop smoking cigarettes for you and In that moment, I felt that my desire for the smoking disappeared and felt the need to get to know more about God.

I started going to the Baptist Church and there they offered me a Bible, I taught that I must return it but the Church Pastor told me I could keep it and that I should start reading it and so I did. I began reading it from the beginning to the end. I felt like reading it all the time and felt attracted to the word of God. God was like a friend, Father, and Allpower Guide...

After two years(1995) Jesus put inside of me a powerful desire to work for the orphans. In 1999 I moved in Oltenia, in Perieti, and I worked with the women of the orphanage meanwhile also working as evangelist to the children of the comunity.

In 2003 I moved to Draganesti-Olt and took part into a new group of church planting together with Raul Costea. There I evangelized the children and the women and visited families. By doing so, I ended up knowing more the struggles of the families which was caused by the absence of a Job in the area.
In 2007 I established an Noprofit Association but only by 2014 I got outlined with the slogan of "Spero Designs" that has got some sort of machinery which helped the mums and the women of the area to get to learn a practical Job for a better future and to get to see that God takes care of us all.

I also worked with children and women within the programs, events, trips and Kamps.

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  • Through prayer;

  • An economic level;

  • Through materialistic donations;

  • Make us known by promoting us;

  • Through setting short term groups in order to work with the children.

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  chairperson-Cornel Stef


