Inspiring Youth through Christian Books

Often, stories that we read about other people's lives can influence our own lives and our walk with the Lord. 

Reading a book these days it's a rare thing among young children and teenagers so motivating them to read is quite a challenge but it's a challenge I have taken on and with every little success I praise the Lord. 

A few weeks ago I gave out 6 Christian books with the promise of reward to those that read.  So, a few weeks later we had the first two that finished reading a book.  Yeey, this is great to give out the first two rewards  The first two also served as motivation for others, I hope that more will finish a book in a few more weeks but more importantly I pray that the Holy Spirit will use the reading and touch their hearts in time to come to trust in Jesus as their personal Savior. 

Please pause for a couple of minutes and say a prayer for these dear ones. Thank you very much.

God bless you. 

Florina Darvell - PIEI Romania Missionary

Beautiful Things

On Mother's Day, most women are more receptive to the beautiful things around them, so we want to make the most of it and share the Gospel with this occasion in every way possible.

In kids club, the children made a nice bracelet for their mom, we packaged nicely some chocolate & sweets and gave each child a spring flower along with a nice scent to take to their mom. That is just another way to show them that the church thinks of them and loves them.

That same day, we took to the streets to spread more joy by handing out flowers to people in the village of Beciu, especially for the elderly. Smiling and hugging one another with a special prayer, that God will bless them. 

In God's loving hands, 

Florina Darvell - PIEI Romania Missionary

Mother's Day Event

Is that time of year when we celebrate Mother's Day again.  So we use this time for evangelistic purposes and invite people to church for a special time together and offer a flower.  Had three meetings this year and, had a wonderful time. 

We had a few fun games for grown-ups, a tombola with nice things to win, and I shared about the lost sheep that Jesus calls us by name. I have used a children's storybook very cleverly written with very nice pictures. It was touching time, many were moved to tears, understanding that Jesus loves them. We had a moment of silent prayer and I could hear many whisper a personal prayer. 

Jesus loves them and calls them by name. 

In their words:

'I had a special time"

"It was so nice, I want to stay longer"

"Everything you said it's true, Jesus calls us by name" 

"Very relaxing and peaceful”

"Not at all what I expected, I thought it would be a church service I didn't think it would be so beautiful"

"I had a wonderful time, thank you very much”

“It's been a blessing for my soul, it was especially for me"

Praise the Lord for His beautiful love.

Some of them read poems about mothers and shared testimonies.  

One lady had a powerful testimony about how the Lord healed her. 

Another, about how she came to Christ. 

We had a beautiful time together in the Lord. 

Thank you for your beautiful support over the years. 

God bless you

Florina Darvell - PIEI Romania Missionary

My self on mother's day

Thank the Lord for blessing me to be a mother and for giving me David(13) and Ruben(12).

It was such a beautiful surprise when I got home, after 12 hours of ministry, to have my two boys, each offering me a flower and a handwritten card "for the best mother ever “.

Thank you, Lord, with all my heart for blessing me so much. 

I pray that all of you mothers will be blessed by God with strong faith in Him and a joyful heart.

I am truly thankful to share the ministry calling and service with you who faithfully supported us over the years. 

I pray that your children and children's children will follow in your steps and keep their faith in Jesus Christ our Lord. 

Love in Christ,

Florina Darvell - PIEI Romania Missionary

Getting Ready

Come! God is thinking exactly about you, believe me! 

This is the message for the Women's Day event this year. Every year March 8th, we celebrate Mother's Day and Women's Day in Romania, around this time of celebration women are more sensitive to love messages and more open to gifts and invitations. 

 We are planning an evangelistic event for the women in the villages. What more can be said, or be given to the women then the authentic and encouraging message of the love of Jesus and the truth that they are on God's mind and He is thinking of each one of them by name!

 Please join us in prayer for the message delivery, for the Spirit of the Lord to bring women to hear the message of authentic love and decide to follow Jesus. 

Also pray for the preparations we do to decorate the place, food, drinks, and a flower for each one of them. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this message. God bless every one of you for taking part in this ministry and may the Lord reward you.

Florina Darvell - PIEI Romania Missionary

What The Lord Says

Today in particular I remembered reading about missionaries who went far away from home and left everything behind to take the Gospel to the unsaved. 

They have sacrificed so much and worked so much spreading the Gospel trough there faithful service and love for people but often they haven't seen results, they haven't seen people coming to Christ but instead, they were persecuted, and killed before seeing anyone coming to Christ. 

This in particular was on my mind today as the Lord encouraged me in my heart and mind through 

Isaiah 56:1 This is what the LORD says:”

Florina Darvell - PIEI Romania Missionary

For The Lord

Col 3:23 Do everything as for the Lord! 

This week we have received some special markers from Timotey  Stanea that are good for using on the Bible to highlight preferred verses. 

We have received enough to give to other people at church. Even though receiving a marker seems like a small thing, still it brought significant joy to our dear sisters in Christ who faithfully read the Word of God to keep their faith in Jesus. 

This reminds me that life is made of small things that can make a big difference when we acknowledge God in everything and all our ways. 

Being grateful is a big thing. 

Florina Darvell - PIEI Romania Missionary

2 Groups

We are so glad and grateful that now there are enough children from both age groups to decide them in two groups and to Bible lesson for different age categories. 

We do games and dongs all together but lesson for specific age groups. 

There are at least 30 children.

Please pray that they will continue to come, grow and stay on the path with the Lord Jesus and not turn back. 

Thank you do much for your love, prayers and support.

God bless you dear brothers and sisters in Christ 

Florina Darvell - PIEI Romania Missionary

Happy Birthday

Every time one of the children celebrates their birthday we sing Happy Birthday and offer a gift. 

Last week it was my birthday, (Florina), one of the girls' (Cami), and the pastor's birthday (Mihai)

Triple birthday celebration, with cake, handmade cards by the children, and small gifts. 

It was a special fun time. 

Cami, turned 13 comes from an orthodox family, she comes regularly to the programs and enjoys memorizing the word of God and singing. 

At the Christmas program from her initiative, she read a nice Christmas poem in front of many other children from the village. This takes courage as bullying children from the village can make fun of her or mock her for reciting poems about Jesus, but she takes the courage to do it.

Please pray for Cami and her family, that she will decide to give her life to Jesus. 

Thank you so much for your love, prayers, and support God bless you dear brothers and sisters in Christ

Florina Darvell - PIEI Romania Missionary


Rejoice in the Lord again I say rejoice

After a very busy Christmas time when we got together in different groups to remember and celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, we are back to regular weekly meetings to learn and study the word of God. 

At Christmas, as every year, we had various activities, eating together,  giving gifts to one another, and evangelistic events to share the Gospel with children and ladies who don't normally come to regular meetings. 

One orthodox lady, she has never been to any of the repenters meetings in her life, she was presently surprised to feel so accepted in a group of women that she had never met before. She very quickly felt relaxed and started to enjoy sharing her opinions or thoughts and asking questions so she could understand the Bible. 

When she left she said that she felt happy and light in her soul, encouraged to trust in God, and that she was very happy that she came. 

Another orthodox lady, invited three of her friends to come along, women that have never been to repenters meetings before.  They too were very quickly relaxed and felt that they could share and ask questions about faith in God. 

This time again we could offer over 200 gifts to children who came to the program at church but we also went to a local school in Beciu. 

One teacher who accompanied us from class to class (0-8th grade), said that she had never heard the message of Christmas before and she never knew the meaning of Christmas. She thanked us so many times for going and sharing.  Most people in Romania celebrate Santa at Christmas, not Jesus. 

Under normal circumstances, we would not be allowed to share the Gospel in school, but this day many teachers were missing from school including the principal so we made the most of it. 

Please pray that the Lord will continue to work in these people's hearts so that they may come to know the Lord Jesus as their personal Saviour. 

Thank you so much for your love, prayers, and support God bless you dear brothers and sisters in Christ!

Florina Darvell - PIEI Romania Missionary


“How good and pleasant it is when brothers unite together!” Psalm 133:1

Summer is that time when we can do more things together to strengthen relationships and to know one another better.

It was good to have different fun activities for children and an evangelistic camp.  We had about 30 children coming regularly learning from the Bible and having fun. 

The ladies from the Bible study group had a beautiful trip to Alba Iulia. Enjoyed visiting places, sightseeing, seeing, and a trip with the boat on the river through the mountains. 

Our dear sisters are so happy and grateful for such times as for most of them is their only time for fun and relaxing in their lifetime. They repeat the word "thank you" countless times. 

Of course, this thank you goes first to the Lord and to you who faithfully support our ministry in Romania.

Please pray that the Lord will provide the needed ministry support for this year as well so we can plan activities and be able to offer evangelistic and material support to those in need. 

Florina Darvell - PIEi Romania Missionary

Embroidery Machine

“A lazy man does not roast his prey, But the precious possession of a man is diligence. (Proverbs 12:27)”

Thank you so much in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to everyone who kindly donated to support the purchase of an embroidery machine for the workshop. 

This is a wonderful blessing, is helping us improve our production line and creates new order opportunities. 

God bless you for giving generously in this way helping other people have a job. 

Florina Darvell - PIEI Romania Missioanry

Continue to Grow

Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and for eternity. (Hebrews 13:8 )

A little about me, lately

Memorizing the word of God is one of the most important thing to do as a child of God, to keep away from sin. Memorizing is what I am trying to do lately and also encourage our sons David and Ruben to do it. We copy a Bible verse per day and then we memories it.

Last week I have heard from a PIEI missionary that he has memoriesd 5 books from the New Testament. What a wonderful personal testament!

Also, I want to learn playing an instrument. In order to serve the Lord better and more eficient I want to keep developing and learning new skills. I believe that God loves music, there is something special in music it caries a power that can make you or brake you. I want to use this beautiful gift of God, music, to serve the Lord better in the work with women and children.

We all know the story of Saul being freed from an evil spirit when David was playing music and praising God.

Please pray for me that I will be disciplined enough to not quit this good plan but continue to grow.

God bless you in your personal growth in the spiritual life.

Florina Darvell - PIEI Romania Missionary

Prayer Requests

Please join us in these 2 important prayer request 

By God's grace I hope you are keeping well and your family and church. 

Please pray for the following invitation that I have received, that the Lord will lead me for His Glory to share about His work in business as mission in the south of Romania.

"We would like to invite you to share some of your business story and journey with us at the online BAM Global Summit next month – on Thursday 27 April."

Please also pray that the Lord will direct a business investor for the workshop to help us with investing in advertising. The organic sales are less with each month, we need to invest in ads. At the moment we have 5 employees in the workshop,

they are a great team, I hate the thought of laying any of them off.

I need my faith to be strong and trust in the Lord for what He wants to do. 

Thank you so much I am truly grateful for your prayers.

2 Timothy 4:2 "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine."

Mother's day in Romania it's always on March 8. 

We have a mission tradition now that we use this occasion to organize an evangelistic event for women from the community. We have prepared the event by praying regularly,  homemade treats, flowers, testimonies, prizes and a power point from Psalm 139 to share about how near God is and how much He knows and loves us.  It was a truly wonderful time together, the ladies were so happy and grateful for the time spent. 

We pray that the Lord will continue to work in their hearts and help them repent and follow the Lord.

Love in Christ!

Florina Darvell - PIEI Romania Missionary


Mathew 25:37 Jesus said: ”I was hungry and you gave Me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited Me in”

...Sanda (78) was leaning on the fence in front of her house warming herself up in the sun, as I passed by I could clearly see her. I thought that something was not right with her. So I stopped the car and went to her. I soon discovered that she is completely blind, leaving on her own, hungry, no heating and none of the 4 children caring for her. Inside the house was just as cold as it was outside. As -10 degrees was announced, we thought that she would not make it through so we decided to bring her closer to us, until we could find a long term solution for her. 

After a few weeks we managed to arrange that she will receive a state pension and money for a personal carer to look after her. Sanda is now staying with her carer, she is not lonely anymore, she has regular cooked food, a warm room and clean clothes. 

God is so good. Praise be the Lord. 

Florina Darvell - PIEI Romania Missionary

Love your neighbor as yourself

As we are looking forward to seeing the unfold of 2023 I would like to encourage you with these words spoken by our wonderful Savior, Jesus Christ.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength.  ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. Mark 12:30,31

Quick review of 2022

Women's ministry

- we have followed a daily plan to copy scriptures and meditate on them

- had weekly meetings for prayer, bible study and fellowship 

- day trip in the mountains

- evangelistic events for other women from the village

- prayers answered for different situations 

- each wednesday set aside for prayer and fasting for the salvation of the family members that are not yet saved

2022 finished with a wonderful time at Christmas. Time to have fellowship, cake, presents, games and laughter. 

We are so grateful for everyone that kindly and faithfully supported the spreading of the Gospel in the South of Romania. People are encouraged to feel loved and have a sincere desire to grow in their faith to love and serve the Lord even more. All for God's glory. 

Children ministry- Little Explorers 

- weekly meetings for Bible, fellowship and fun

- Bible contests and prices

- finding ways to keep them interested in coming and leaning from the Bible and bring new children

- learning how to search in the Bible 

- not able to have a day out because of lack of transport

2022 finished with a wonderful time at Christmas. We presented a carol singing program, poems and a Christmas story. Over a hundred children  were invited to the Christmas program and gifts were given. What a joy !!! 

Had a special Christmas lunch, games and gifts for the "little explorers" that came all year round to our weekly program. They felt special, important and loved. May the Lord work salvation in their hearts and in their families. AMen  

Business as mission 

- 6 years anniversary

- new employees

- women are happy for a place to work where they feel valuable and important 

- added one container for storage and one more room for the extension of the workshop

- offered them good eye glasses 

- purchased "new" machines to help us be more efficient

- working on growing the business to create more jobs with dignity

Finished the year in good and grateful spirit and a financial bonus.  

Each one supporting this ministry has made a huge difference in these women's lives. Three women out of five are main family supporters as their husbands don't have a job because of various reasons.  

Family- Mark, Florina, David and Ruben

- had good health just minor "inconveniences"

-Mark traveled to England to visit his family 

- Mark, taking turns with preaching at church

-Mark, trip to Ukraine

- enjoyed and been blessed by the visits of guests for us and for the ministry

- David turned 12 and Ruben turned 11

- David and Ruben confess that they gave their life to Jesus

- passed victoriously hard times keeping our eyes on Jesus and upholding the Word of God

Thank you so much for your kind and faithful support in every way. We pray that the Lord will kindly bless you and reward you for the work you do for Him. Please continue to stay alongside us and the ministry for the years to come until we meet the Lord together. Not too far now. Amen!

Florina Darvell - PIEI Romania Missionary

No Christmas Card

A few days ago I went to the shop to purchase a Christmas card to send to some friends. To my greatest disappointment I haven't found any card with Nativity related scenes, most of them were with Santa or the tree or ornaments or dear and so on but nothing with Nativity scenes. This was true for several shops.

It was a big hit coming to realize that in the near future many people will not even know that Christmas it's about Jesus's birth into the world, the greatest gift from God, they will instead call it a winter holiday or Santa's Christmas:( 

This made me think that I have a responsibility to my generation to make known the Nativity scene, in my personal sphere of influence, as much as possible.  

This is what triggered me to start making 150 Nativity silhouette decorations to give as gifts to 150 families and to underline that at Christmas we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ the greatest gift of all.  I also made a nativity silhouette for the church and I am planning to make one to put on our house on the outside to remind everyone who sees it  about the greatest Gift at Christmas. 


Florina Darvell - PIEI Romania Missionaryy

The White Van And The Lord

This personal experience encouraged me and I thought that maybe it will be an encouragement for others as well.

This past week we had troubles with our car, it was discharging the battery overnight, in the end by the time the mechanic found the problem the battery was compromised and had to buy a new one. 

 On the way to the shop to purchase a new battery, I went by Penny car park ( our supermarket). I could notice this big white van that wasn't starting. The driver turned the key a few times but the engine didn't start. As I have recently gone through a similar experience of the car not starting in various places, I could immediately understand the desperation on that man's face especially as according to the number plate, he was from an up north county. 

 I prayed to the Lord, and I said: Lord please help this man to start his van and please help him get wherever he needs to go" I made only a few steps further when I could hear a successful turn of the key, the van started. You can imagine how happy I was for such a quick answered prayer and for the man and his lady being able to continue their journey. 

Thank you Lord. I regret not going back to tell that driver that the Lord helped him. 

Soon after that I felt so deep inside of me that the Lord had definitely heard my other prayers that I said for myself only a few minutes before this prayer was answered. 

But God has His time for everything.

Thank you Lord. Blessing to you in the Name of our Lord!

Florina Darvell -PIEI Romania Missionary

Let the Children Come to Me

Jesus said let the children come to Me because the disciples were trying to stop them by thinking that Jesus is too busy for them. 

Jesus doesn’t want us to stop them but to encourage them to come to Him; to bring the children to Jesus, to remove any obstacles that might prevent them from coming to Jesus. Removing obstacles is hard , especially nowadays when technology seems to be overtaking people's lives. 

I find that real games, real talking and real time spent together becomes “boring” for children and we, the children’s workers and ministers, are pushed into having to find ways to entertain the children more than bringing them to concentrate on "boring" things. This is a constant battle I find myself fighting, help the children rejoice in learning about the Lord and the Scripture in real life not only on screen. 

Please join me in prayer for the children's ministry, that the children will truly come to Jesus. I also invite you to join me in fasting also, Wednesday or Friday for the salvation of the children that are born in Christian families that are not yet saved and for the salvation of children that come to kids clubs. In this prayer and fasting each one can include their own family as well as the children in ministry. 

With summer gone, children go back to school but also back to "children's church" as we call our children weekly program. This new season we started a series of lessons " Ten lives that were changed"  ten people from the Bible that met Jesus. Please join me in prayer that the same will happen to the children who hear the message.

By God's grace, I plan to organize a day trip to visit some nice places in Romania. Most of the children don't have the opportunity of leaving the village only when they go to hospital or some bigger outdoor market. Time out together helps to strengthen the relationship between them and creates memories that can last a lifetime. It's beautiful to create long lasting memories through church ministry. One day, they might find that church it's a place that holds and imparts beauty and they might desire to be a part of it. Amen. 

Thank you so much for your wonderful and faithful support. God bless you. 

Pic 1- Jesus's heart and each child has its hand in it, with their name written on it.  Jesus loves every single one. We left space on the heart for more children to come and I hope to be necessary to make one more   

Pic 2 This is our lesson plan for the next couple of months. 

Florina Darvell - PIEI Romania Missionary

Blessings Upon Blessings

Dear partners,

Many of you know about the fundraising to enlarge the existing workshop and took part in it. We are most grateful for your wonderful, regular support of the ministry God called us to  in Romania. May the Lord continue to bless you and your families. 

Wanting to update you regarding our vision for Spero Business as a Mission, one of the goals is to support education for children. This is how we plan to invest future profits. Pray with us: to organize and grow the business in order to support the education of many children in the local communities

This scripture encouraged me lately, I hope you will also find encouragement in it as well.

 “They were terrified and asked each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey Him!” (Mark 4:41)

On February 24th, lacking courage but trusting the Lord and His plans, I started fundraising for a metal shipping container in order to enlarge our workshop area. The original workshop room had become too small. We needed extra space to move our storage somewhere and turn the storage room into a work room for cutting and quality control. A metal shipping container was the quickest and cheapest option for us.

We started fundraising for the container, but as the war in Ukraine started on the same day I had this doubt and fear trying to discourage me. I thought it will be a miracle if this fundraising succeeds.. However, a miracle happened. In less than two months the Lord provided the funds not only to purchase the container, but enough to remodel the new work room, to build a roof over the new metal shipping container, to buy outdoor blinds for the new work room, and also to buy two new (used) machines for the workshop.

Having seen all this, as you can imagine, we were truly amazed by the way people have opened their hearts to support this project and the timely response. Mark and I can only glorify and praise the Lord again and again for how beautifully and quickly the Lord sent support for this project.

With a humble heart we “Thank you very much!” We also pray that the Lord will hear and answer your prayers according to His will and plan for your life. May you continue to see the Lord's blessings in your personal walk with Him.

Please continue to keep Spero Designs as a ministry in your prayers. This is an important part of our ministry, and you have encouraged us greatly. May this business grow in order to support the education of many children in the local communities.

Love in Christ!

Florina Darvell - PIEI Romania Missionary