Special Prayer Request

Over the passed six years, the Lord has blessed our small business as a mission. With every opportunity we have created one more job, one more working opportunity for one additional woman in the local community.  We have grown from one woman to five women in the workshop, not including one woman who works part time from home. Our workshop is small, we are truly overloaded and cramped with all the work. It's causing frustration and lack of efficiency, because there is no space. There is insufficient room for quality control, packing and stacking products. 

I searched building and extension possibilities but the cheapest possibility will cost us around 30,000 euros (before prices increased).

Pursuing other options, a metal container will help us solve the problem for a fraction of the cost at 4500 Euros. (Similar to the one in the picture here but made to our specifications.)

 By God's grace, we have 1500 euros of which we have placed 1000 euros as a deposit for the container. We are praying to raise the rest of the money.

Please place this on your prayer list as a special request. We wait upon the Lord, and your prayers are appreciated. Thank you for your faithful support. You also remain in our prayers.

Love in Christ,

Florina Darvell PIEI -Romania Missionary

Merry Christmas!

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a blessed 2022 to come! We are grateful to God for all the blessings He bestowed over us in 2021. He has taken us through an uncertain year.  We pray that you found help and comfort in trusting the Lord this past year; may you continue in that way in 2022. Whatever may come, may we keep our eyes on Jesus and not look "down at the waves."  Let us all stay strong, dear brothers and sisters in Christ.

In August the Lord led us to support Beciu and Nenciulesti ministry locations through children's ministry, women's ministry and preaching. Please see some newsletters below with more information.

Thank you!

Florina Darvell - PIEI Romania Missionary


All That I Am

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Considering the events that we all have experienced for nearly 2 years, please continue to stay strong, do not loose hope or trust in the Lord. Let's us fix our eyes on Jesus so nothing can distract us from His will for our lives.

This time, it's on my heart to share with you, as a testimony of God's work in partnership with you, part of the story of the Spero business as a mission.

The vision I received one winter evening in 2016 when I was working late in the workshop, getting a parcel ready with products that I hoped to sell, was to use the business to help 5000 people. That evening, I felt tired and discouraged, so I began to talk to the Lord as my best friend, and part of my prayer was this: Lord, just like that boy who gave 5 loaves and 2 fish, I give you not just five loaves and 2 fish but I give you my eyes, my mouth, my hands my feet ...all that I am so you can use me for Your glory in this ministry of creating jobs, so at least 5000 people should be fed as a result of this. As I was submerged in prayer I felt that the Lord i was answering back to me that this is to become my vision from Him, that this is what He is calling me to do.

I was very happy once again with new strength and vision and a profound feeling and understanding that I am on the right track.

Soon after that beautiful time with the Lord, I expected that I will have less struggles and I will have people joining in the vision. I began to look out for people who could join in the vision of creating jobs. I was very enthusiastic about the vision, searching to touch a chord in people's hearts to come and use their gifts in this ministry. 

There were people over the years that joined in financially, supporting the Spero ministry so we could carry on employing people even when the sales were very low (some are still faithfully supporting us, big thank you!). There were also people who were excited at the hearing of the vision and wanted to join in but have not done so with commitment.

So, in early 2020, when the pandemic started, once again I felt tired and discouraged after so long looking for people and hoping that they will join in, and I thought that the pandemic would be the end of our business. Once again, I prayed and put everything in God's hands as I've done many times before, and I've decided to carry on with the business even if no other person will join in with his/her gifts,  until the Lord says it's time to stop.

A few months later, in June 2020, the Lord directed a new business collaborator my way (Isabela, mother of three, lawyer by profession). She was designing and selling mostly merino wool clothing and was looking for a sewing workshop to manufacture her designs. The designing and selling was exactly what I was badly missing. The collaboration between us was going better each month, until this year she proposed to join forces and become associates. I knew straight away that this was from the Lord. 

When I stopped relying on people and was ready to carry on regardless, the Lord brought the person He was preparing for this ministry.

These are her own words: “Up until now I was doing this business following my own ambitions but now I want to join in your vision of creating jobs for the people in that area". These words left me speechless and with tears of deep joy in my heart. They are the exact words I was trying to produce and hear from people over the years but God has had His own time and person that He was preparing for this ministry. 

He makes all things beautiful in His time! Amen.

So, Hope Gate was born in September 2021, trough the association of Spero with Isabela. I lead Spero but I take no personal remuneration from it as I do the work as a missionary calling. It is a new beginning with its new challenges. 

There are 5 women employed at the moment. It means a lot to hear from them that this job is a blessing.

I consider this to be a beautiful partnership between all of you that faithfully supported this ministry over the years and God's work. Thank you and congratulations for not giving up.

The good news is that the work is continuing and your support is wisely used in order to increase the work capacity and to aid the workers in various ways as you can read in some of my other letters.

The work capacity has reached its limits, so in order to employ more we must build another level so we carefully try to save what we can and also fundraising for construction.

Please remember these women in your prayers: Sonia (married, 2 daughters), Lucica (married, 1 son) Daniela (married, 3 daughters), Mirela (married, a son and a daughter), Ema, not married yet.

Daniela is a born again Christian but the other 4 have not decided yet to follow Jesus, may they all come to Jesus.

Please keep this ministry/partnership in your prayers that we will continue to grow in quantity and excellence, all for God's glory.

With love in Christ,

Florina Darvell, PIEI-Romania Missionary

Enjoying the Beauty of Romania!

With its varied landscape, Romania is the most geographically diverse country in the European Union. Snow-capped mountains, green hills covered in forests and vineyards, sandy Black Sea beaches, and Europe’s largest and best-preserved delta - Romania has something for everyone!

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Still there are many Romanians who have never seen many of the wonders of their own country. Some of these Romanians are people we work with in church planting and the Spero Workshop ministry.

So this summer we organized a day out for the women from church and the workshop to visit Bâlea Lac on The Transfăgărășan, a mountain side visited by many tourists. The beauty is breath-taking in the combination of man's work with God's creation.

We've enjoyed two separate outings with the women. We had a great time on a riverboat, driving into the mountains, visiting historical places, all with lots of laughter and joy, good coffee and nice food.

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Romania is one of the best places in Europe to watch wildlife as well as home to the largest population of brown bears in the EU.

We were about a meter away from brown bears (we were inside the car) who often come to the side of the road to "expect" food from visitors. I’ve never seen so many bears and so close!

At the end of a very long day the ladies were very happy to see such beauty they didn't know existed.

Thank you for your wonderful partnership in this as well.

Florina Darvell - PIEI-Romania Missionary

Pajama Party!!!

A pajama party is not a common thing in Romania. It's more of an American idea, but definitely sounds like a great idea to when you are looking for a way to spend more time together. So we decided to have a pajama party with pre-teen girls.

 Oh, it was so much fun! We had a water fight, games, prepared food together, talked (our favorite thing to do as girls), watched a nice Christian film together, and did a craft around the theme "Respect". Having respect for one another actually shows love, self control and consideration for the other person.

Times like these brings us closer to one another, and helps us understand and know the girls we work with much better. 

Prayer Requests:

  • For the girls who hear the gospel through us to come to know the Lord as their personal Savior

  • That they will not fall into the "traps" of the teenage years but continue to stay close to biblical teaching

  • That we continue to serve the Lord with dedication and responsibility

Florina Darvell - PIEI Romania Missionary

The Business of Creating Jobs


And one of you say unto them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? -James 2:16

The Lord is always caring for people's needs and most of the time uses other people or businesses. We praise the Lord for providing funds to buy an embroidery machine for the workshop. In this way our selling opportunity expands and enables us to carry on with the business of creating jobs. We thank everyone that kindly supported the purchase of the machine.

This month by God's grace we created one more job, and one more woman was added to our team. Dana is from Mărunței, where we do church planting ministry. She came to Christ last November and she loves the Lord. She finds joy in learning from the Scriptures. Dana is married with Viorel and has three daughters (two are twins). The girls love coming to the regular children program. Viorel is not yet saved but we pray for him and we invite you to please pray for his salvation.

Dana was looking for a job for a few months and asked me if I could offer a job, I couldn't at that time, but I told her to pray as my desire is to grow the business and be able to offer her a job. The Lord is wonderful, and blessed us with a business associate, another Christian who is very good at sales. The association with Isabela helped us create one more job opportunity and we employed Dana. We thank all of you that faithfully support by prayer and giving for this ministry of creating jobs

We are now praying and looking into expanding our workshop area as the workshop is now too small and we can barely move inside. This has an impact on production time and efficiency. By God's grace we want to build using wood another level above the existing workshop. Please pray with us for the workshop addition. Also, for continuing blessings over the business, and that it will continue to thrive even in hard circumstances like ones cause by Covid-19.

Thank you so much for partnering with us in the creating employment in a safe, Christian environment.

Florina Darvell, PIEI - Romania Missionary

Give Thanks to the Lord for He Is Good

March 8 th, always Mother’s Day in Romania

Like every year we use this day’s celebration to evangelize and build friendships with women from our communities where we serve as missionaries. We always have a really nice time together. The ladies chat, we have treats and messages from the Bible. In Romainia a flower and a gift is a must-have on this special day. This year the message was from John 3:16 which explains clearly the immense love of God, His amazing plan to rescue, and the beautiful reward for those who believe in Him.

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Work with children

We are so proud of them. They finished the study “A Trip in the Digital World.” As a reward for their faithfulness and perseverance we had a short day in the park in a nearby city. We had food and dessert, played, and had fun. May not one of these beautiful children ever be lost from Him. We are now reading and learning from the book of Ruth. 

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Social work 

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We must never forget those in need, and remember that helping the poor is demonstrated by our Lord. Giving bags of groceries, buying medicine, garden vegetable seeds or giving a hot meal, helping with electric bills, or wood for the winter are just a few ways to show tangible love to the needy.

We meeting every Wednesday to study the word of God. At the moment we are in Mark 5. Reading the Bible is good but studying is like "eating something tasty and solid." May the Word increase our faith and make us more obedient to the Lord.

Spero Designs

The workshop is full to its capacity. By God's grace soon we will employ a forth woman. All being well, we pray to increase the space of the workshop. At the moment we barely have room to walk past each other. Big thanks to every supporter that is making the growth happen. Thank you for partnering with us in the ministry of creating jobs. Every day at 10 o'clock we pause to choose and read a Bible verse each. We also say a prayer for the day. 

Dear partners

- Thank you for your prayers for us and for those to whom we minister

- Thank you for your faithful support which enables us to serve the Lord and make a difference for the Kingdom 

- With a grateful hearts we think and pray for you, too

God Bless You! 

Florina Darvell - PIEI Missionary

Winter Outing

We recently had a bit of fun and time spent together with the youth from Maldaieni, in a very different scenario. It was a unique experience! For all of us was the first time, at the mountain in the winter with the sled, not too far from home. It was a lot of fun and joy. A memorable day for all of us.

Times like these create memories with each other and remind us of God's goodness. We felt special and grateful.

We had packed sandwiches and hot tea to last us the whole day:) After about 5 hours of up and down with the sledge, everyone was soaking wet with plenty of bumps and bangs so we were ready to leave. By God's grace we got home safely with a beautiful experience and memories in our hearts. On the way back home we were talking about how much snow there is and yet every snowflake ️ is different, in the same way we are different but God loves us all very much.

Thank you for making this experience possible.

Florina Darvell, PIEI-Romania Missionary

Continuing Ministry in Hard Times

This is Lacramioara. This passed week we were able to bless her family with a ton of wood for heating up the room where they live. A tone, lasts about a month and costs 110 USD.


There were other families as well that benefited from help with wood this winter.

God is good! Here are some updates about what we have been doing:

Spero Designs

Traveling through these difficult times, I thought it will be very hard and maybe we will have to face closing down the workshop, but glory to God, the things went from not so good to better and better, and it all started with the "masks". The workshop went from about 25 percent self support to about 65 percent self support, sometimes over the 65 and I believe by Gods grace with good work and patience we will reach the 100 percent in the future, just like a normal business should do.

As I have mentioned before, last October we employed Mirela, the third lady and we increased the working hours from 4 hours a day to 8 hours a day. We have grown in knowledge on making a big variety of clothing, from winter cloths to summer clothes from small sizes to big sizes and a wide variety of models of cloths.

We could not have achieved all these without your faithful support over the years. Thank you for playing an important part in creating one more job and providing a job for three families, and also providing a christian working atmosphere, where we are friends, laughing together, learning together, praying together and reading 4 Bible verses daily together. It feels like a place of work where you go with pleasure.

Please pray that we will continue to grow and have more orders, to provide more jobs and that the women will acknowledge Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.

Maruntei Village ministry

After 2 moths of being in hospital Dana is back home. So wonderful to see our dear sister back in church with us and smiling. I wish I can say she is back to normal but that is not the case yet. She is often under a lot of fear in her chest, she says, and she is taking strong medication. I believe there is a great spiritual battle in her life. Lately I offered to support her in memorizing more of the Scripture. I believe that by putting the Word of God in one’s life and mind and heart, healing and deliverance can happen. She can now confidently recite Psalm 23 and is working on memorizing Isaiah 53. After this, other Scriptures will follow. Also I helped her learn how to transform Bible verses into personal prayers. I often hear her say that she believes that when she will be baptized she will experience complete healing. Getting baptized is a big desire of hers but there is a big stumbling block. She is not legally married to her partner- they live together but not as husband and wife.

Please pray for Dana' s healing and for her to get legally married, her partner is not ready for that yet.

For Nicoleta's (34th) and my (44th) birthdays, we went out together for some cake and a nice chat.

Children ministry

We resumed our weekly meeting after the Christmas holidays, we are just a few lessens away from finishing the study called “A trip into the digital world.” It's a very good Bible-based study about how to use internet platforms without getting into bad things or in danger. We also try to visit one child at home per week, in order to build relationships with the child's family.

Please pray for the salvation of the children and their families.

Women’s ministry

We are having regular weekly meetings for Bible study, we are now on Mark chapter 3. The women that come are genuinely interested in learning more and are lately thinking about baptism but they all have some personal family stumbling blocks. Please pray that the Lord will remove the stumbling blocks and they will also get baptized. Also please pray that others will join our Bible study group. Altogether there are 6 of us, 2 missionaries (Nicoleta and Florina) and 4 women from the village (Daniela, Dana, Flori, Ana).

Street Evangelism

Tavi and Mark are trying to go on the street weekly (wether permitting), they are out there praying for people and talking to people about the Lord. Sometimes David joins them.

Please pray that the Lord will bring those ready to hear the Word to meet Tavi and Mark.

Soup kitchen

We are working on starting a soup kitchen next week for the poor people in Maruntei. We will involve Daniela and Ana from the Bible study group to cook the meals, and then the meals will be taken to people at home. Please pray that the Lord will use this project for his Glory and for spreading the love of God and His word, and also pray for continued support for the project.

Ministry in Mărunței.

We meet in a container somewhere on the edge of the village. We have been praying for a piece of land and a more central location for the ministry. We found this land, right in the center. All being well we plan to purchase the land in the coming weeks. The Lord provided the finances, around 4,000 dollars. Please join us in praying for the funds in order to start work on clearing the place, and build something that can accommodate the ministry needs. It's an important step for the ministry. We are very excited and looking forward to what the Lord has in store. Praise the Lord!!!!

On another Evangelistic day out, in another village, I lead 7 people (all women) to pray and give their life to the Lord. Please pray that they will stand on their decision.

Mark, Florina, David and Ruben are doing well. Sometimes with small health problems or dentistry needs but generally speaking doing well. David and Ruben are back to school but we are considering taking them out and try and work with a homeschooling program. We need wisdom and Godly guidance if this is the right step to take.

Please pray for Dean, Mark's younger brother, who had an open heart surgery and had 4 bypasses done.

Thank you very much for supporting us to carry on the work of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Love in Christ!

Florina Darvell, PIEI-Romania Missionary

Merry Christmas and a Happy New-Year!

For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

-Isaiah 9:6-7

With 13 children from Mărunței we went to see the Christmas lights in Slatina, the nearby city. We had good fun, ate hamburgers and dessert. For some of the children it was their first time seeing Christmas lights in a city. Please pray for the salvation of these children. Next week we will hand out presents received from churches in England.

We did some home visits to give gifts to children who don't usually go to programs. In order to keep the social distancing we had programs 30 minutes long from 10:30 to 3:30, with just a few children in each service.

Ruben, our youngest turned 9 on Christmas Eve. Thank you Lord for a wonderful gift at Christmas!

Wishing all of you and your families many blessings from God the Father!

Florina Darvell, PIEI-Romania Missionary

The LORD is My Shepherd

Thank you so much for prayers for Dana. Every time we visit her we see improvements. Two days ago,I gave her the Bible to read Psalm 23, and she read it with no mistakes. But she continues to heave a fear in her heart, she is afraid in an unnatural way. She misses home very much.

Last Wednesday we started Bible study with two ladies from Mărunței. Last night one of them told us that she has decided to follow Jesus. She was very happy and the Light of Christ was obvious on her face. There are celebrations in heaven and on earth! Her name is Daniela.

Prayers are still very much appreciated. Thank you such. God bless you!

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Florina Darvell, PIEI-Romania Missionary

Pray for our Sister Dana

With the children group in Maruntei we study "digital technology" how to use the internet without falling into a trap. We also had an outing to help bond and strengthen relationships. In the village of Maldaieni we divide the 2 hours now and we don half on Bible study and half on English. We study Mark, and they love it. I do too. In the workshop we officially employed one more woman, Mirela. God is good. We have enough work at the moment and if it continues like this we may employ again in the future. We are also happy to have bought a new machine for the workshop. Thank you Lord and those who donated. Carrying on to create more jobs!

Yesterday I got a phone call from a woman, in our ministry area, her husband is drunk all the time the family is neglected and she had no money for food, she asked for a bit of oil. Heart breaking! Thank you for all your financial support which is a blessing to have funds and carry on with the ministry and serve the Lord.

To minister to our Sister Dana from the village Maruntei, we carried on with the weekly Bible study getting ready for the baptism (her biggest desire), until over night life seems to have turned upside down. Dana had an appointment to have a brain CT scan interpreted and to be given a diagnosis 3 weeks ago. She was very scared of the possible diagnosis, always carrying the fear in her heart that she might inherit her mom's illness (schizophrenia). The day before the visit to the doctor she lost control of her brain, stopped talking, eating and being able to care fore her self. Three days later she ended up in the psychiatric hospital. We have been supporting the family, visiting Dana at the hospital and talking to the doctor on regular basis. She is not much better. Her 2 year old son (Eduard) is badly affected and cries a lot not having his mom close. She is badly affected to find herself in the hospital.

Dana’s family sees the support from Christians and are more open to hearing about Jesus. Today I asked her sister-in-law if we can actually meet once a week for Bible study and she gladly accepted. This is a good outcome but still, Dana, our wonderful and always joyful sister in Christ is more like a "vegetable" than a person.

Please join us in prayer for Dana, only God's intervention can save her. I believe she is with a wrong diagnosis and consequently with a wrong treatment. She needs a miracle.

Florina Darvell- PIEI-Romania Missionary

Expanding the Business

Last month I started working with an advertising agency that helps with finding other business collaborators. So far we have two, very small, but it’s promising. We didn't much work in the shop, but with the little we had and donations we managed to keep the women employed.

I am very happy though that Ani, one of the ladies I employed when we had more work and then kept in touch like friends, recently said to me that she wants to be more like me and she wants me to explain things from the Bible. Last night was our first meeting for three hours! She could have stayed longer but the time was late. She has many questions about God and Bible so we will meet again. I told her she can call me to talk any time. Please pray for Ani that she will give her heart to Jesus.

I am thinking now of making cement garden stepping stones. In Romania no one is making them and the guy from the agency thought that it has big potential. Today I am going to buy the stones and start different designs. I am excited as it can create a seasonal business alternative which is exactly what we need. Another idea is for sports equipment. It seems that there is a place in this niche. We take it step-by-step, trying until we finally hit the big jack pot.

This Saturday we will have a day out with the children from the church, spending time together and building relationships, have fun visiting Roman ruins, and a have a splash in the Danube River. Also, in Maldaieni we have started a weekly, conversational English class.

In August, by God's grace we will have a family holiday for one week at the sea side. The boys can't wait and are counting the days.

Also in August, we will have major work done on our roof as it leaks in many places and the tin needs replacing. This is a big project; please remember this in your prayers.

Florina Darvell - PIEI Missionary

REPORT: Business As Mission COURSE


As many of you know in February I went to a Business As Mission (BAM) course in Amsterdam to learn how to be more effective in the ministry of creating jobs in southern Romania and thereby impact people in a godly way. 

 Our first day we had to answer questions about what we expected to gain by the end of the week. My only answer to all the questions was "people". There were 17 people from 13 countries. We had one afternoon break for sightseeing. The course was informative about how business is God's answer to eradicate poverty, stop human trafficking and slavery, and how through a business we are co-creators with God as we create jobs. Through jobs we can impact people's lives, and help them regain their dignity. A report shows that it takes longer for a person to recover from not having a job than it takes to recover from a divorce or from losing someone dear. BAM has God's principles for its core values.These businesses are focused on caring for their employees. They are for prosperity in a godly understanding, not using employees to gain more profit. BAM businesses are looking to impact the societal, environmental, financial and spiritual areas of life. One workshop impacted me the most and gave me new ideas for how to grow my business, and encouraged and equipped me to think of business in a different way. 

As the business market is overloaded with business we must find markets that are not explored yet. As a producer of beeswax food wraps an unexplored market is "custom design for companies" or private label. Many companies are looking into offer clients promotional products with their own logo. This is a great opportunity for us, and actually two business people said they are interested in placing an order when we are ready. At the end of the course we had to do a pitch similar to the one on Dragons Den.  

I am now looking into this more and searching for digital printing machines that will enable us to do this customizing of beeswax food wraps. By the end of the course my expectations were fulfilled. Four new people agreed to meet once a month to help me with questions on what steps I am taking to implement what I learned at the course, keep me accountable, and give me their advice. Also, I was encouraged by the people who said they are interested in placing orders when we are ready to do custom beeswax food wraps. 

Thank you for making this course possible for me! Its had a life changing impact on how BAM should operate and how meaningful it is. This course was Module 1; Module 2 will be in Thailand where there are more BAM businesses. If it is God's will I would like to go. 

Please pray for me to find the right printer and also raise enough funds to purchase it. By doing this we can create more jobs, impact more lives and glorify our wonderful God! Once again many heartfelt thanks for your investment in me and Business As Mission.

God bless you. Love and hugs.

Florina D. and family



"He came. Now I know for sure." These are the words Dana said when we met last Wednesday.

Last October I joined Nicoleta in Mărunței to meet regularly with Dana for Bible reading. For the last couple weeks Dana felt a greater desire to give her life to Jesus. She even prayed to ask Jesus to come into her heart and forgive her for her sins, but she said that nothing happened, that she doesn't feel forgiven. This past Sunday she had a dream where she was going to be poisoned and die, but she called out to Jesus to save her and come in to her life to make her born again. She woke up calling out to Jesus. Now she knows that something happened in her life. She feels like a new person, forgiven and a child of God. That morning she happily told her "husband" that she gave her life to Jesus. She is full of joy and assurance that she is now a child of God. We continue to meet regularly and read the Bible together. Pray for Dana’s faith to continue growing. Pray that the man that she lives with like husband and wife will also come to Christ and agree to marriage, which at the moment he is not willing to do. Please pause to pray for Dana and her family.

Thank you for partnering with us. Your prayers and support are important. God bless you.

Florina Darvell - PIEI Missionary


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Once again, people and churches got together to send lots of "shoe boxes" for children, to create the Joy of Christmas. 

If a "shoe box" brings so much joy, then how much joy is awaiting for us in heaven! 

May you experience the joy of the Lord every single day!

See the full Christmas presentation here: Christmas Presentation 2019

Also: Take a look at 2019, ministry in pictures

Florina Darvell - PIEI Missionary



I recently visited another Business as Mission, led by an English Christian man in northern Romania. He works with Roma (gypsy) people. I want to quote him: "Giving the needy a job is one of the most important things you can do for that person". We experience this, and can testify that helping people regain dignity from having a job is very important for them. It shows God's love in a long term, tangible way.

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Ramona is the new lady recently joining our team. She is a born again Christian that use to work in England and Germany. She moved back to Romania after marrige this summer, and now comes to our church in Draganesti. Finding a job in a Christian environment in a location that is with chronic unemployment she feels is an answer to her prayers.

We extend an invitation to you to partner with our Business as Mission creating employment in southern Romania. We are working to grow our production quality and quantity. We hope to be able to employ these women full time in the near future. For this we need other business partners. Please pray that the Lord will open doors for new partnerships. In February 2020 Florina plans to attend a Business as Mission course in Amsterdam. She is fundraising for the cost of the course.

As part of the local evangelistic ministry, children hear the Gospel in weekly programs, and we meet new people in street evangelism. We do weekly home visits to people who are more open to the Gospel, building relationships as well as organizing different events for evangelism and fellowship.

Through financial donations we can help people who need medication, food, school scholarship and transportation. 

Thank you for  partnering with us through prayer and financial support.

We appreciate your prayers for all of the above.

Florina Darvell - PIEI Missionary



The PIEI team blessed the ministry in many ways. Cornel and Amy helped in practical way by sharing from their knowledge and experience with the women from Spero Designs. Thank you !!! Come again!!!

Also, thank to PIEI team we had a fun, good food and good spiritual time in our house with all the PIEI missionary wives. Thank you for making this possible we all enjoyed it so much. Please pray for all of the missionary wives that the Lord will strengthen them in their role and continue to live in full for His Glory

Florina Darvell - PIEI Missionary



With the PIEI team, managed to have a day out with the Spero ladies in the park in Craiova. Had lunch together and after that we enjoined some fellowship in the park talking in a very interacting way about things that are important for us as women and about the importance of having Jesus as our best friend if we obey His word.

For some of the women was for the first time to be in a large park like this one and also for some was for the first time to be part of a group of women having time together. Please take a moment to pray for Jenica, Corona, Lucica, Sonia and Ani, that they will open their heart to Jesus and their husbands and children as well.

Florina Darvell - PIEI Missionary