The Bible study in the mountains

Dear brothers and sisters, I greet you in the name of Jesus Christ. May God bless all of you with His richness and generosity. With His help, we continue to serve the people around us.

Vasia, son of our sister Ira in Hertza, had came home from the front line for a week. Irina and her mother Vera were extremely happy to see him healthy and alive. He visited our church when he was young, but then he went to Chernivtsi and spent time along with friends and left God and church. So we rejoiced together with Ira and Vera and prayed for his service in the military and for protection of his life.

We conducted the last session of our Bible school in Karpatian mountains. We had 4 days of lessons and different games. Also, we had a trip on a small mountain. Teenagers studied the Old and New Testaments, Bible ethics and the parse of the Jonas book. We had 20 teenagers from churches and from refugee families. God blessed the weather and study time.

We had baptism in the House of prayer church in Chernivtsi. We had a wonderful holiday and worship of God for those persons who made a will with God. This day is always a special service and exciting emotions. I served as photographer there.

We many camps and youth meetings where we could worship and glorify our God.

Prayer needs:

  1. For God`s protection of my family, may the war would not have influence on us.

  2. For our church in Hertza town, so that people might grow spiritually.

  3. For our Bible school, so that teenagers can use knowledge that they got at our lessons.

  4. For the end of the war in Ukraine.

Thank you so much for your spiritual and material help for us. We feel that you are close to us, and you are our partners in evangelism. May God bless your families and ministry.

With prayers for you, the missionary in Hertza and Chernivtsi Alex Pastushak