Visiting widows of soldiers

Greetings brothers and sisters of the PIEI mission. May God send His grace upon you. We are grateful to God for such wonderful and devoted partners in the service of the Ukrainian people.

At the beginning of the month, we remembered the death, suffering and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Without Him we would have no hope of eternal life.

I also broke bread in the House of Peace church in Chernivtsi for a group of people. It was a special time when we analyzed ourselves and repented in order to participate worthily in this commandment.

I visited the church in the village of Vikno and shared the Word of God with the members of the church, as well as with unbelieving immigrants who were later given humanitarian aid. I supported and inspired the displaced people to trust God in the circumstances in which they found themselves.

In the House of Peace church, I conducted an analysis of the Word of God for young people. He taught about the Holy Spirit, His divine nature and action in our lives.

We visited widows of fallen soldiers, as well as parents whose sons died in the war. We saw a lot of heart-breaking pain and tears. We sympathized with them, encouraged them as best we could and prayed for them.

Prayer requests:

1. For the spiritual growth of church members in the city of Herts

2. For displaced persons who have lost everything and have nowhere to return

3. For widows and bereaved parents, that God may comfort their hearts

4. For us, may God give strength and inspiration with the Holy Spirit, so that we can continue to serve Him

Thank you for your prayers and your support of our ministry. May God show His glory and generosity in your life.

With respect and prayers for you,

a missionary in Chernivtsi and Hertsia Pastushak Alex