Awakening among teenagers

Greetings, my dear friends and coworkers in ministry for God! May Almighty God richly bless you and fill you up with His joy and peace!

I am glad to share with you briefly about our ministry. Recently, we had the Harvest Day or Thanksgiving Day at our church in Hertza. We celebrated this holiday with guests from neighbor village. All present people praised the Lord for food, fruits and bread that we have on our tables. We conducted special prayer with the Bible, bread and water.

I attended our old sister. She fell three times at home, and then she got to the hospital. Now doctors take care about her. She was really happy to see us because not a lot of people visit her there. We prayed for her recovery and for doctors, may God give them wisdom to treat her and give them repentance.

With God’s help, we could build the barn and toilet behind the house of prayer.

In Chernivtsi city in the house of prayer "House of peace" was the regional conference of children and teenagers. The theme was "Believe, grow and serve". There were more than 700 people. I conducted the Bible quiz to all audience, and also I served as camera men and made video. In the end, after calling to repentance, more than 70 children got to know Jesus Christ and became Christians.

Thanks for your prayers and financial support for our ministry. May God give you back for hundredfold.

Missionary in Chernivtsi and Hertza Alex Pastushak