Ordination of new deacons

Greetings brothers and sisters of the Pai mission. May God richly bless you and give you his peace for all the good you do for us. We are infinitely grateful to you for your participation in our ministry! God leads us here and gives us His fruits.

As every month, we break bread and remember the death and suffering of Jesus Christ. Our oldest sister, Lena, is in the hospital in Hertz, who is 96 years old. We visited her, supported her, and also gave her the opportunity to partake of the bread and wine. It is always a holiday of unity for us, because we are all one body of Christ.

Brother Ruslan has a disease with a support apparatus, but at every service he tries to sing songs to God for His glory.

New deacons and an evangelist were ordained in the House of Peace church in Chernivtsi. It was a special holiday for our church and I served as the photographer.

We had a family service in the House of Peace church, where many families came. Nowadays, there are many challenges and problems in families, so such meetings are very necessary. The topic was about the testament, about what character traits and qualities we pass on to our children. I served as a video and photo operator.

Our children's choir, in which our son Mark sings, visited the Church of the Family of God. It was a blessed service and the whole hall praised God together with the children.

Thank you for your financial and prayer support. May God reward you a hundredfold.

Alex Pastushak, a missionary in Chernivtsi and Hertza.